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  • Norbert J. NGOWI
    录用日期: 2023-06-15
    Low efficiency of earth kilns used in the carbonising process of wood to make charcoal has been reported as one of the sources of increasing charcoal wastes in the global south. However, the potential link and approaches of converting charcoal wastes-to-valuable energy and for the environmental health is not well known in Africa. Promoting local community capacity engagement in the production and reutilisation of recycled charcoal wastes at the households’ level is one of important measures to maintain environmental services for sustainability since households make decisions on the type of energy used. This paper, presents an approach of converting charcoal wastes to fuel energy for rural households and environmental health in Kilosa District, Tanzania. To achieve the objective of this research, the primary data were collected through interviews held with 298 randomly selected households, Focus Group Discussions and observations. IBM SPSS statistics version 20 Cross tab tools were used in the data analysis. Results revealed that the conversion of charcoal wastes-to-fuel energy approach used in this research demonstrates the ability of recyclable briquettes made from the locally available charcoal pollutants collected at different stages from earth kilns, to selling centers, improves tree harvest behaviour, adds another fuel energy source through reutilisation, and ultimate reduces pollution at the local level. Thus, the study provides a basis for policymakers to adopt charcoal wastes recycling strategies to address matters related to energy and ultimately enhances environmental health for sustainable development in Tanzania and beyond.
  • JOSHI Nabin Raj, JOSHI Rajeev, MISHRA Jay Raj
    录用日期: 2023-06-15
    Urban trees are valuable resources for urban areas as they have the capacity to reduce ambient temperatures, mitigate urban heat island effects and reduce runoff of rainwater playing an important role in mitigating the impacts of climate change by reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). It also helps to reduce aerial suspended particulate matter, add visual appeal to the urban landscape sequestrating a significant amount of carbon from ambient atmospheric CO2. Carbon storage by urban trees in the ring road area of the Kathmandu Valley was quantified to assess the magnitude and role of urban forests in relation to mitigate the impact of global climate change. A total of 40 sample plots were placed randomly for the detailed carbon assessment. Aboveground and belowground carbon pools were considered in the detailed assessment. Furthermore, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) were maintained through regular monitoring and capacity building of the field crews while collecting the bio-physical data. The assessment recorded a total of 33 different species of plants in the avenue’s plantation sites in ring road. The mean seedling, sapling, and tree density was found to be 2149585 and 185 per hectare. The mean carbon stock per hectare in the avenue plantation of the ring road area was 24.03 tC ha1 and the existing total carbon stock was 7785.72 tC in 2021. Likewise, the total baseline carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in the avenue plantation was found to be 28573.60 tCO2e. The carbon dioxide emission from the transport sector in the ring road area in a full movement scenario was 312888.00 tCO2e per annum, while the net emissions was 42547 tCO2e. There was a deficit of carbon dioxide in terms of stock by avenue plantations of 14000.8 tCO2e.This study indicates that the existing urban forest plantation is unable to sequestrate or offset the carbon dioxide that is emitted through the transportation sector. Consequently, open spaces like riverbanks and any other public lands, in which urban forests could be developed has to be planned for the green infrastructure and plantation of the multipurpose trees. The distinct values of forests in and around urban areas have to be recognized in the specific policies and plans for the sustainable management of urban and peri-urban forests to meet the adverse impact of global climate change. In addition, this study provides insights for decision-makers to better understand the role of urban forests and make sustainable management plans for urban forests in the cities like in Kathmandu Valley.
  • 欧定华, 吴能君, 李媛茜, 马 晴, 郑思源, 李诗琪, 余东芮, 唐浩伦, 高雪松,
    录用日期: 2022-03-30
    科学识别生态空间、合理预测主导生态系统服务功能时空变化趋势,是构建国土空间生态保护格局的基础,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。目前,生态空间识别、功能分区和格局重构大多数以当前生态系统服务功能及其结构信息为参照,忽略了生态系统服务综合功能和主导生态系统服务功能的时空动态性,对未来生态空间主导生态系统服务功能变化模拟不重视,一定程度上影响了生态空间保护格局构建的合理性。本研究提出了一种基于生态系统服务功能动态变化特征的生态空间划定方法,实现了邛崃市生态空间范围识别,解决了当前研究忽略生态系统服务功能时空动态性的问题。在此基础上,研究还应用Markov-CA模型,集成主导生态系统服务功能时空变化特征,实现了2025年邛崃市生态空间主导生态系统服务功能时空变化模拟,为生态空间变化模拟寻找到了合适的方法,也为合理构建生态空间保护格局提供了基础支撑。研究发现邛崃市生态系统服务综合功能量及其年际变化率呈现出明显的动态性,这一发现证实我们在识别生态空间时考虑生态系统服务功能动态特性的必要性。应用本文提出的生态空间识别方法确定邛崃市生态空间面积为98307 ha,与地方生态文明建设规划中确定的相应生态空间范围基本一致,证实了立足于生态系统服务功能动态特性的生态空间划定方法的可靠性。研究结果还表明:20032019年,邛崃市主导生态系统服务功能表现出较强的非平稳性,这说明我们应当在生态空间保护格局构建中充分考虑主导生态系统服务功能动态性对未来生态空间功能格局的影响。Markov-CA模型高精度实现了邛崃市主导生态系统服务功能时空变化模拟,Kappa系数达到0.95以上,说明应用该模型模拟未来主导生态系统服务功能空间格局是可行的。模拟结果显示,20192025年,受生态系统服务功能非平稳性影响,邛崃市主导生态系统服务功能仍将发生相互转换,预计到2025年,生态空间仍然会保持初级产品生产、气候调节、水文调节三大主导生态系统服务功能,但面积将会发生变化,分别为32793 ha52490 ha13024 ha。研究可以为生态保护红线划定、生态功能分区和生态空间保护格局构建提供科学参考。
  • WU Bin, ZHANG Wenzhu, TIAN Yichao, LIANG Mingzhong, XU Jun, GU Guanhai
    录用日期: 2022-02-28
    Abstract: By studying the structural characteristics and carbon storage of the mangrove island ecosystem in the 
    Beibu Gulf, this study provides a scientific basis for mangrove ecological compensation in the coastal areas of 
    Guangxi, South China Sea. On the basis of the unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing images and a sample plot 
    survey, the object-oriented multi-scale segmentation algorithm is used to extract the mangrove community type information, and one-way analysis of variance is conducted to analyse the structural characteristics of the mangrove 
    community. The carbon storage and carbon density of different mangrove ecosystems were obtained based on the 
    allometric growth equation of mangrove plants. The analysis yielded four main results. (1) The island group covers 
    about 27.10 ha, 41.32% (11.20 ha) of which represents mangrove areas. The mangrove forest is widely distributed 
    in the tidal flats around the islands. (2) The main mangrove types were Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia obovata + 
    Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia marina + Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina communities. (3) 
    Amongst the mangrove plants, Avicennia marina had the highest biomass (18.52 kg plant–1), followed by Kandelia 
    obovata (7.84 kg plant–1) and Aegiceras corniculatum (3.85 kg plant–1). (4) The mangrove carbon density difference 
    was significant. Kandelia obovata had the highest carbon density (148.03 t ha–1), followed by Avicennia marina
    (104.79 t ha–1) and Aegiceras corniculatum (99.24 t ha–1). The carbon storage of the mangrove island ecosystem 
    was 1194.70 t, which was higher than in other areas with the same latitude. The carbon sequestration capacity of 
    the mangrove was relatively strong.
  • 王立国, 朱海
    资源与生态学报. 2023, 14(2): 265-275. doi: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2023.02.005

    “双碳”目标下区域旅游业需要积极响应,其重点和难点是碳排放的预测。本文运用终端消费并结合旅游发展系数测算了江西省2000至2019年旅游业碳排放总量,借助对数平均权重 Divisia 指数分解法 (LMDI) 对旅游业碳排放的影响因素进行研究,并结合可拓展的随机性的环境影响评估模型 (STIRPAT) 和情景分析法,对旅游业碳达峰时间进行预测。结果表明:(1)2000?2019年间,江西旅游业碳排放量从2000年的71.365×104吨增长到2019年的2342.456×104吨,年均变化率为21.09%,旅游投资规模是该时期旅游业碳排放最主要的影响因素。(2)未来影响江西旅游业碳排放变化的主要影响因素是碳排放强度,其影响系数达到0.810,旅游收入、旅游人数和旅游业投资额的影响程度依次减弱。(3)不同情景下江西旅游业碳排放的达峰时间不同,基准情景下预计在2035年左右,年均变化率为-0.88%,在中等和低碳情景下分别在2030年和2025年左右实现碳达峰,年均变化率分别为-1.11%和-1.58%,表明政府低碳政策对旅游业碳排放强度将产生影响,并促进江西旅游行业提前5到10年实现碳达峰目标,这为政府出台旅游低碳管理政策和措施提供依据。本研究可为区域旅游业提前实现碳达峰提供理论依据,并为全国旅游业“双碳”的预测研究提供支撑,也为其旅游业碳中和的实现提供了计量基础。

  • 丛丽, 侯英慧, 卢安琪
    资源与生态学报. 2023, 14(2): 289-298. doi: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2023.02.007


  • USOLTSEV Vladimir Andreevich, SHOBAIRI Seyed Omid Reza, TSEPORDEY Ivan Stepanovich, AHRARI Amirhossein, 张猛, SHOAIB Ahmad Anees, CHASOVSKICHH Viktor Petrovich
    资源与生态学报. 2020, 11(4): 331-341. doi: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2020.04.001

    对天然林和人工林在生产力和稳定性方面的比较研究一直是森林生态学的重要研究内容之一。森林砍伐导致人工林逐步取代了天然林,在此背景下,研究全球气候变化下森林碳储存能力的变化就显得非常重要。本文在跨大陆水平上以两针松(Pinus L.)为例首次回答了这个问题。本文使用作者收集的有关欧亚大陆森林的单树生物量结构数据库,对 1880株天然林林木和1967株人工林林木的数据进行了相关研究。基于林木生物量结构的原始数据、一月平均温度和年平均降水量等,采用多元回归模型,研究了温度与降水对森林生物量的影响。结果发现,随着一月温度和降水量的增加,同等规模和同等树龄的天然林和人工林地上和茎生物量均有所增加,但这种关系仅对枝条部分的生物量有效,而对树叶生物量的影响应具体问题具体分析;同时,人工林的所有组成部分的生物量均高于天然林树种的生物量,但在林木的不同组成部分之间这种差别的程度有所不同,并且主要取决于一月的温度水平,而与年降水量关系不大。当然,在建模的各个环节都存在许多不确定性,本文的结论只是对影响林木生物量的气候因素的初步认识。

  • 论文
    资源与生态学报. 2010, 1(1): 3-14. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-764x.2010.01.001