
CAI Yunlong (蔡运龙) 
Peking University
CHEN Jingming (陈镜明) 
University of Toronto, Canada
CHEN Tongbin (陈同斌)
Institute of  Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS
CHEN Xi (陈   曦)
Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,
University of Vermont, USA
CUI Peng (崔    鹏)
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,
FAN Jie (樊    杰)
Institute of  Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS
FANG Jingyun (方精云)
Peking University
FU Bojie (傅伯杰)
Research Center for Eco-Environmental
Sciences, CAS
GENTRY Randall W.
University of Tennessee, USA
HAN Xingguo (韩兴国)
Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS
HE Chansheng (贺缠生)
Western Michigan University, USA
HARROP Stuart R.
University of Kent, UK
HUANG Yao (黄 耀)
Insitute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS
KESSLER Elisabeth
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
KIM Joon
Yonsei University, Korea
LEI Guangchun (雷光春)
Beijing Forestry University
LEE Xuhui (李旭辉)
Yale University, USA
LIANG Shunlin (梁顺林)
University of Maryland, USA
LIN Erda (林而达)
Institute of Environment and Sustainable
Development in Agriculture, CAAS
LIN Guanghui (林光辉)
Xiamen University
LIU Gaohuan (刘高焕)
Institute of  Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS
LIU Jianguo (刘建国)
Michigan State University, USA
LIU Jiyuan (刘纪远)
Institute of  Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS
LIU Shirong (刘世荣)
Chinese Academy of Forestry 
LIU Xingtu (刘兴土)
Northeast Institute of Geography and
Agroecology, CAS
LU Qi (卢 琦 )
Chinese Academy of Forestry
LUO Shiming (骆世明) 
South China Agricultural University
LUO Yiqi (骆亦其)
University of Oklahoma, USA
MA Keping (马克平)
Institute of Botany, CAS
MA Zhong (马   中)
Renmin University of China
MENG Wei (孟   伟)
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental
MIN Qingwen (闵庆文)
Institute of  Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS
OUYANG Zhiyun (欧阳志云)
Research Center for Eco-Environmental
Sciences, CAS
PAN Jiahua (潘家华)
Institute of Urban Development and
Environment, CASS
SHEN Lei (沈 镭)
Institute of  Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS
SHI Minjun (石敏俊)
Graduate University of CAS
SHI Peijun (史培军) 
Beijing Normal University
Justus Liebig University, Germany
SUN Laixiang (孙来祥)
University of London, UK
TANG Qisheng (唐启升)
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS
TANG Shirong (唐世荣)
Institute of Environmental Protection &
Scientific Monitoring, MOA
WANG Kelin (王克林)
Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS
WANG Rusong (王如松)
Research Center for Eco-Environmental
Sciences, CAS
WANG Yunjia (汪云甲)
China University of Minning and Technology
XIA Jun (夏    军)
Institute of  Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS
XIAO Xiangming (肖向明)
University of Oklahoma, USA
XUE Dayuan (薛达元)
Minzu University of China
YANG Guishan (杨桂山)
Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology,
ZHANG Fusuo (张福锁)
China Agricultural University
ZHAO Xinquan (赵新全)
Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, CAS
ZHOU Dadi (周大地)
Energy Research Institute of National
Development and Reform Commission
ZHOU Guangsheng (周广胜)
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
ZHOU Guoyi (周国逸)
South China Botanical Garden, CAS
ZHOU Qixing (周启星)
Nankai University
ZHUANG Jie (庄    杰)
University of Tennessee, USA

发布日期:2009-11-11    浏览: 21026