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Land Use Efficiency

Ecological Carrying Capacity

Agriculture Ecosystem

Forest and Grassland Ecosystem

Ecosystem Assessment in Altay Region

Ecological Restoration in Altay Region

Regional Geography and Ecological Changes

Urban Ecosystem


Land Use Change and Land Multifunction Tradeoffs

Human Activities and Ecological Security

Resource and Ecology

Ecological Community Management

Some Hot Topics in Ecology and Resources Use (Guest Editors: MIN Qingwen, SHI Peili)

Tourism Culture and Ecotourism

Assessing Impact of Restoration on Livelihood

Plant Ecosystem

Water Resource Management

Development and Management of Ice and Snow Tourism in China

Tourism Resource and Ecotourism

Tourism Resources and Ecotourism

Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Development

Ecological Engineering

Data Paper

Typical Ecological Restoration Modes and Their Ecological Effects

Industry Ecology and Regional Development

Original article

Ice and Snow Tourism Impact Assessment

Ecosystem and Climate Change

Ice and Snow Tourism Experience and Its Influencing Factors

Carbon Emission and Sustainable Development

Soil and Agriculture-Forest Ecosystem

Ecosystem in the Belt and Road Initiatives Region

Ecosystem Services

Rangeland Ecosystem Function and Management

Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change

Land Resource and Land Use

Ecosystem Services and Ecological Risks of Land Resource

Landscape Ecology

Plant Ecology

Evaluation and Improvement of Mine Site Quality

Impact of Human Activities on Ecosystem

Tourism Industry and Sustainable Development

Natural Disaster Assessment

Agroecology and Agricultural Development

Resource Utilization and Carbon Trading

Resource Use and Resource Economy

Carbon Emissions

Animal Ecology·

Ecosystem and Ecological Function

Animal and Plant Ecology

Cultural Tourism and Tourism High-quality Development

Tourism Resources and Its Integration with Cultural and Creative Industries

Rural Revitalization and Rural Tourism High-quality Development

Tourism Resilience and Tourism Risk

Resources and Sustainbility

Regional Development

Restoration Ecology and Ecological Engineering

Ecosystems in Response to Global Change

Biodiversity Conservation and Use

Ecosystem Services and Eco-compensation

Land Use and Sustainable Development


Evaluating Ecological Restoration

Analyzing Livelihood

Agriculture and Landscape Ecology

Ice-snow Tourism

Environmental Management of Mines

Theory and Technology of Mine Terrain Reshaping

Revegetation and Management of Mines

Rural Tourism and Rural Revitalization

Resources and Economy

Land Use and Land Resources

Natural Resources Report

Urban-Rural Integration and Green Development

Mine Environmental Restoration

Rural Tourism Destination and Homestay Development

Resource and Environment

Ecosystem and Ecological Security

Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services

Tourism Environmental Behavior and Farmer’ Participation in Tourism


Agriculture and Food Security in China

Big Data and Knowledge Sharing

Book Information

Climate and Ecosystems




Eco. Compensation




Introducing of Editorial Board Member

Introducing of Editoriaol Board Member

Investigation and Monitoring of Biological Resources

Karst Ecosystem

Land Resources and Land Use

Orginal Article


Resource Economy

Resources and Ecology in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Resources Carrying Capacity

Resources Policy


Rural Household Survey and Livelihood

Human Activities and Ecosystem

Big Data

Resources and Environment

Resource Economics and Resource Evaluation

Cultivated Land Resources and Land Use

Desert Ecosystem

Ecosystem Monitoring and Service

Environmental Pollution and Ecosystem

Farmland Ecosystem

Forest Ecosystem

Grassland Ecosystem

Resource Econmy

Resource Management

Water and Soil Resources

Animal Ecology

Plant and Animal Ecology

Soil Ecosystem



Water Topics

GIAHS topics

NE Asia topics


Silk Road

