Research articles and review

1 About JRE
1.1 Aims and scope
Journal of Resources and Ecology (JRE) is an international journal for the publication of recent work across the fields of natural resources science and ecology. JRE was established in 2010 and is published bimonthly.
Authors are encouraged to submit papers to JRE. Thematic subjects are including but not limited to:
1. Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
2. Agro-ecosystem and Sustainable Development
3. Typical Ecosystems and Their Resources Utilization
4. Ecological Process and Management
5. Ecological Restoration Technologies
6. Global Change and Ecosystem Response
7. Ecological Accounting, Ecological Compensation and Ecological Civilization
8. Animal Ecology
9. Ecotourism

1.2 Abstracting and Indexing Information 
The journal is indexed in:
● BioOne(USA)
● Zoological Record (UK)
● Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
● Chinese Science and Technology Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)
● China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database (CAJNPD)
● Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED)
● China Science Periodical Database(CSPD)
● Wanfang Data Digital Periodicals
1.3 Manuscript types
Authors are encouraged to submit papers included in one or other of the below categories:      
Research articles present primary results from a completed key research project in the related fields of natural resources and ecology.
Reviews introduce journals and recently published books in the fields of natural resources and ecology.
Subject reports introduce interim results from a key research project, experimental reports, and progresses in the research on specific regions or specific topics.
Academic activities and proceedings introduce on-going or up-coming research activities, and symposiums and workshops in the fields of natural resources and ecology.
Information regards key research projects, training courses and scientific institutions.
Special issue/topic focus on the hot topic in the field related with ecology and resources.
2 Manuscript preparations
2.1 Word length
● A typical Research Article will not exceed 8000 words (word count includes all sections including references and figure captions).
● Articles that exceed this will be critically reviewed with respect to length. Authors should include a word count with their manuscript.
2.2 Language
● Papers are accepted in English only; American or British English spelling and punctuation may be used, but not both.
● Non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms should not be used.
● Numerals one to ten should be written in full. E.g. one map, not 1 map.
● Authors must adhere to SI units.
● SI units are not italicized and must appear one full space after the value. E.g. 25 km, not 25km.
● Use mg g-1 not mg/g; use kg m-2 not kg/m2.
● Run together numbers with up to four digits (e.g., 1600, not 1,600 or 1 600).
● Use thousand million or 109 instead of billion.
● Chinese currency should be indicated as CNY, not RMB or Yuan. Other currencies can be converted to USD using appropriate exchange rates.
● When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trade mark, authors must use the symbol or TM.
● All abbreviations and acronyms are defined in full upon first use. E.g., Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
● All dates should be in the format DD Month Year, e.g., 1 October 2013. Date ranges should be 12-22 September 2011.
● Times should be indicated using the format 00.00 h, e.g., 14.00 h.
● En dashes should be used for all ranges. E.g., 45%-56%, 23-30 March 2013 and 9.879-9.989; not 45%~56%, 23~30 March 2013 and 9.879~9.989.
● When describing parameters in a formula use the following construction on the first line following the formula:
where, X is the rate; Y is a function of time; and Z is a measure of radiation.
● Variable in formula should be written in italics.

2.3 Structure and sections
Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: Cover letter (optional), Title page, Abstract and keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (optional), Appendices (optional), References.
Cover letter (optional)
Cover letter is optional and should be used to provide additional information not present in the manuscript which is relevant for the editorial office or editors.

Title page
● A concise and informative title. Do not include the authorities for taxonomic names.
● A list of all authors' names with names and addresses of institutions with post code.
● The name and e-mail address of the first author and correspondence author.
● The information about the foundation.
The Abstract should be written understandably in isolation from the rest of the paper and the length of it should be about 300 words. Using typically four simple, factual, numbered statements, it should:1) give the conceptual context; 2) state the methodological approach; 3) state data used in the paper; 4) report the main results, and 5) give conclusions.
A list in alphabetical order, not exceed eight words or short phrases. 
State the reason for doing this work, the nature of the hypothesis or hypotheses under consideration, and should outline the essential background.
Materials and methods
Include sufficient details for the work to be repeated. Where specific equipment and materials are named, the manufacturer’s details (name, city and country) should be given so that readers can trace specifications by contacting the manufacturer. Where commercially available software has been used, details of the supplier should be given in brackets or the reference given in full in the reference list. Do not describe or refer to commonplace statistical tests in this section but allude to them briefly in Results.
State the results and draw attention in the text to important details shown in tables and figures.
This should point out the significance of the results in relation with the reasons for doing the work, and place them in the context of other work.
Include a final point headed ‘Synthesis’, which sums up the paper’s key message in generic terms that can be understood by non-specialists, indicating clearly how this study has advanced ecological understanding.
Acknowledgements (optional)
A brief statement acknowledging collaborators and research assistants who do not meet the criteria for authorship described above, or acknowledging funding sources, providing relevant permit numbers (including institutional animal use permits), or giving recognition to nature reserves or other organizations that made the work possible.
Appendix (optional)
A supplement of the data, figures or tables related with the article.
The journal uses the author-date system and not the humanities style. Sources are briefly cited in the text in parentheses by author’s last name and date of publication, e.g. (Bunting et al., 2005). Provide first and last pages for excerpts from journals, books, etc. All authors’ names up to three should be given. The abbreviation et al. can be used for papers with more than three authors, and following the first three names.

2.4 Data acquisition
Data sources (optional)
Authors of submissions that use data from multiple published sources (e.g., if the paper describes a meta-analysis) are encouraged to cite these data sources in the main text of the manuscript. This ensures that these references are fully indexed and their authors are given proper citation credit.
Data sources can be cited in the “Materials and methods” sections. If a large number of data sources are used, instead of citing the sources individually, a separate list should be provided after the literature reference list under the heading Appendix. The “Materials and methods” section should then refer to this section, i.e. “A list of data sources used in the study are provided in the Appendix section.”
Data from articles published in journals or data with a DOI should follow the normal journal citation format. Citation of datasets without a DOI is permitted, provided the data repository meets the standards set out in our Data Archiving policy. They should be formatted as above but should provide the permanent repository link and accession number for the data.

2.5 Figures and tables
Figures, including photographs, should be referred in the article text as Fig. 1, Figs 2–4. References to tables should not be abbreviated, i.e. Table 1. All lettering and symbols must be clear and easy to read. Legends should provide enough details for the figure or table to be understood without reference to the main text. Information (e.g., keys) that appears in the figure should not be duplicated in the legend. Figures and Tables should be presented in the manuscript file with their legends and may be either embedded in a relevant position in the main text or placed at the end of the document. Full instructions on preparing your figures see below.
High-quality color graphics and high-resolution, high-quality color photos are strongly encouraged for JRE papers. The following are notes on styles and fonts required for figures appearing in JRE.
● Always use Arial or Helvetica as the font for all in-figure text, keys, and axis labels, etc.
● Graphics should be in color wherever possible, on a white background. Colors should represent the same thing across all figures (e.g., if red represents temperature in Fig. 1, the same color should be used in other figures in the paper).
● If possible, please use color schemes that are distinguishable by those with color-blindness (e.g., avoid using reds and greens of the same intensity).
● Photos must be high resolution (300 dpi for color, 600 dpi for grayscale and 1200 dpi for line art; original file size at least 1.5-2 MB or more).
● For multipart figures, label each part using parentheses and lowercase lettering, preferably in the top-left corner (but always in the same position in each panel) – e.g. (a) (b) (c) – these should be in black or white font, to aid visibility; do not include opaque circles or squares under these panel designators.
● For all in-figure text, keys, and axis labels, capitalize the first letter of the first word only – the rest should be lowercase, unless a place name or proper name, which would normally be capitalized.
● Use SI units throughout; selected exceptions and examples: hectares (ha), degrees Celsius (°C), metric tons (t), liters (L), seconds (s), minutes (min), hours (h), years (yr).
● Except for accepted unit abbreviations such as above, spell out all words if there is space (e.g. ‘Agriculture’, not ‘Agric’).
● Use scientific notation for very large or very small value , replace “2e-05” with “2×10–5”.
● Follow journal style conventions for units in axis labels (e.g. replace “square kilometers per year” with “km2 yr–1”).
● Individual panels within figures should not be set off by boxes or other edging.
● Don’t forget to add axis labels and units to graphs. For maps, add scale bars and compass roses. For aerial, macro,or micro photographic images, add scale bars as appropriate.
● Do not use grid lines in graphs.
● Use minus signs (–), not hyphens (-), to indicate negative numbers, including those in sub/superscripts. Use the minus sign also to separate ranges (e.g.,15–25 days; March–May)
● Each photo and figure should be submitted as a separate electronic file in editable format (AI, jpg or TIFF files preferred). 
● Use of color for the graphic elements (lines, symbols, etc.) is welcomed, particularly where this helps readers to understand what is being illustrated.
● Use solid symbols for plotting data if possible, unless data overlap or there are multiple symbols; make symbols large enough that they will be distinguishable when the figure is reduced.
● Do not use three-dimensional graphics unless absolutely necessary.
● Scales or axes should not extend beyond the range of the data plotted.
● Standard line weight (thickness) is 0.5 points for boxes, graphs, etc., but this can be increased to up to 2 points for line graphs.
● Each figure needs an explanatory caption; all captions should be listed at the bottom of the graph.
● Each caption should be under 80 words, and preferably under 40. Be clear and concise. Information in overlong captions should be integrated as note after the caption.
● All the maps of China should be based on the standard map.
Tables of reasonable size and sidebars (panels) are welcomed; very large tables may have to be displayed as supplementary materials of the paper.
Try to limit tables to 200 words; if you have more information than this, please consider, in order of preference: 1) trimming down the information; 2) dividing it into multiple tables, or 3) displayed as supplementary materials.

2.6 References (examples): 
Article in Journal
Mathews R, Richter B D. 2007. Application of the indicators of hydrologic alteration software in environmental flow setting. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(6): 1400–1413.
Romme W H, Allen C D, Bailey J D, et al. 2009. Historical and modern disturbance regimes, stand structures, and landscape dynamics in pinyon–juniper vegetation of the western United States. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 62(3): 203–222.
Cao W, Liu L L, Wu D. 2018. Soil erosion changes and driving factors in the Three-River Headwaters region. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 27(6): 10–22. (in Chinese)
Ehrhart L M, Bagley D A, Redfoot W E. 2003. Loggerhead turtles in the Atlantic Ocean: Geographic distribution, abundance, and population status. In: Bolten A B, Witherington B E (ed.). Loggerhead sea turtles. Washington DC, USA: Smithsonian Books.
Chapter in Book
Lambers H, Chapin III F S, Pons T L (ed.). 2008. Life cycles: Environmental influences and adaptations. In: Plant physiological ecology. New York, USA: Springer.
Conference Proceedings
Schaefer M. 1975. Experimental studies on the importance of interspecies competition for the lycosid spiders in a salt marsh. Proceedings of the 6th International Arachnological Congress, 19–20 Mar 1974, Amsterdam. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging.
Scientific and Technical Reports and their Parts
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2007. Climate change 2007: Synthesis report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II, and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC.
Grant G E, Lewis S L, Swanson F, et al. 2008. Effects of forest practices on peak flows and consequent channel response: A state-of-science report for western Oregon and Washington. Portland, USA: US Department of Agriculture. 
Conference Presentations (Papers) and Abstracts
Smith R D.1992. Little brown birds are really interesting. In: Jones X (ed.). Interesting birds of North America. Proceedings of the symposium at the 112th meeting of the American Birding Society, 1992 Mar 2-4, Los Angeles, CA. Washington DC, USA: American Birding Society.
Dissertations, Theses, and Their Parts
Feth J A. 1947. The geology of Northern Canelo Hills. PhD diss., Tucson, USA: University of Arizona.
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). 2007. Why is biodiversity in crisis? Viewed 28 Oct 2015.
NSF (US National Science Foundation). 2015. National Science Foundation Research 
Traineeship Program. Washington DC: NSF. Viewed 30 Nov 2015.
Xiong J, Li W. 2014. Tourism is booming in Shiyan. Beijing, China: South-to-North Water Diversion Office. Viewed 4 Dec 2015.
Poole A. 2005. The birds of North America online. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Viewed 16 Sep 2009.
Newspaper Articles
Baker J K. 1999. Switch to dollar bodes ill for Ecuador. Washington Post, Sep 12.
Documents In Press
Fulton R S. Predator–prey relationships in an estuarine littoral copepod community. Ecology, in press.

2.7 Supporting Information
A limited amount of Supporting Information (supplementary online-only materials, including WebPanels, WebTables, and WebFigures) can be submitted with your article. This should be seen as a way to supplement the print version of your paper with extra information online, including panels, tables, or figures that 1) will be of less relevance to the general readership but that interested readers would find useful or 2) are too large to fit on the printed page.
Please do not include such materials in the main manuscript text file. Instead, all components of the Supporting Information (including WebFigures) should be supplied as single, stand-alone MS Word documents, and each should include a short title. An accompanying caption should also be provided with each WebFigure, along with any image credits.The various components of the Supporting Information must be cited in the main text as WebPanel 1, WebTable 1, or WebFigure 1, etc.
3 Manuscript submission and publication 
3.1 Requirements and decision-making
Journal of Resources and Ecology considers manuscripts only under the strict conditions that they have been submitted only to the JRE , that they have not been published previously, and that they are not under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Authors who fail to adhere to these conditions will be liable for all costs incurred by JRE and all papers involved will not be published.
Contributions to JRE must report original research and will be subject to peer-review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Office.
The Editorial Board has the final decision on the ultimate suitability of an article for publication.

3.2 Submission
The journal has a fully web-based system for the submission and review of manuscripts at 
All correspondence should be routed via the
During submission, authors will be asked to confirm that:
The work as submitted has not been published or accepted for publication, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere, either in whole or substantial part.
All authors and relevant institutions have read the submitted version of the manuscript and approve its submission.
All persons entitled to authorship have been so included.
The work is original and all necessary acknowledgements have been made.
The work conforms to the legal requirements of the country in which it was carried out, including those relating to conservation and welfare, and to the journal’s policy on these matters.

4 Types of editorial decisions
Manuscript unsuitable
The subject matter is inappropriate for the journal or the paper lacks novelty or is of insufficient general interest. The paper is therefore not sent out for peer review.
The peer review process reveals that the manuscript is not acceptable for publication in the journal and resubmission is not possible.
Rejection, resubmission invited
The manuscript in its current state is not acceptable for publication, but the referees and editors see the potential of the presented work. Addressing the concerns raised during peer review would alter the manuscript to an extent that makes it unfeasible to predict whether the re-worked paper will reach the desired standard. Authors are therefore invited to make the necessary changes and resubmit their work for further peer review so that the paper’s suitability for publication can be established.
The comments by reviewers and editors indicate that major or minor changes are required before the manuscript can be considered acceptable.
Further revision needed
The comments made by the reviewers and editors have been only partly or insufficiently addressed and further ambiguities remain. Authors are asked to address these concerns in their final version.
Final acceptance
After a final editorial check, acceptance is confirmed and the manuscript files along with the obtained forms are sent to the publisher.

Editorial Office of Journal of Resources and Ecology

Pubdate: 2010-07-09    Viewed: 51982