Editorial Board

Editorial Board of Journal of Resources and Ecology

Scientific Advisors:            SUN Honglie (孙鸿烈)                     CHEN Yiyu (陈宜瑜)

                                             Chinese Academy of Sciences        National Natural Science Foundation of China

                                             STRONG Maurice                            SWAMINATHAN M.S.

                                             COSMOS International Inc.             Member of Parliament, India

                                             COSTANZA Robert

                                             The Australian National University

Editor-in-Chief:                    LI Wenhua (李文华)

                                             Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Associate Editor-in-Chief: Associate Editors-in-Chief: YU Guirui (于贵瑞)

                                             Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

                                             OUYANG Zhiyun (欧阳志云)

                                             Research Center for Eco-Environmental, Chinese Academy of Sciences

                                             LIU Shirong (刘世荣)

                                             Chinese Academy of Forestry

                                             SHI Peili (石培礼)

                                             Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

                                             RAN Shenghong (冉圣宏, Executive)

                                             Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Members (Listed alphabetically)

                                            ANDREWS-SPEED Philip        

                                            National University of Singapore

                                            BAKLANOV Peter

                                            Pacific Institute of Geography, Russia

                                            CUI Peng (崔 鹏)

                                            Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS

                                            DONG Suocheng (董锁成)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            FISCHER Manfred M.

                                            Vienna University of Economics and Business

                                            FU Bojie (傅伯杰)

                                            Research Center for Eco-Environmental

                                            Sciences, CAS

                                            GENTRY Randall W.

                                            University of Tennessee, USA

                                            HARROP Stuart R.

                                            University of Kent, UK

                                            HE Chansheng (贺缠生)

                                            Western Michigan University, USA

                                            HUANG Jikun (黄季焜)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            HUANG Yao (黄 耀)

                                            Institute of Botany, CAS

                                            KIM Joon

                                            Seoul National University, Korea

                                            KUENZER Claudia

                                            German Aerospace Center

                                            LEE Xuhui (李旭辉)

                                            Yale University, USA

                                            LEI Guangchun (雷光春)

                                            Beijing Forestry University

                                            LI Shenggong (李胜功)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            LIN Guanghui (林光辉)

                                            Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University

                                            LIU Jian (刘 健)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            LIU Xingtu (刘兴土)

                                            Northeast Institute of Geography and

                                            Agroecology, CAS

                                            LU Qi (卢 琦)

                                            Chinese Academy of Forestry

                                            LUO Tianxiang (罗天祥)

                                            Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS

                                            LUO Yiqi (骆亦其)

                                            University of Oklahoma, USA

                                            MEDEU Akhmetkal

                                            Institute of Geography, the Republic of Kazakhstan

                                            MIN Qingwen (闵庆文)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            MüLLER Daniel B.

                                            Norwegian University of Science and Technology

                                            NIU Shuli (牛书丽)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            SAKIEV Kadyrbek

                                            Institute of Geology, National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyz Republic

                                            SUN Laixiang (孙来祥)

                                            University of Maryland, USA

                                            SUN Zhigang (孙志刚)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            TANG Qisheng (唐启升)

                                            Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS

                                            TULOKHONOV Arnold

                                            Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian

                                            Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

                                            WANG Kelin (王克林)

                                            Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS

                                            WU Wenliang (吴文良)

                                            China Agricultural University

                                            XIE Gaodi (谢高地)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            YANG Guishan (杨桂山)

                                            Nanjing Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

                                            ZHANG Xianzhou (张宪洲)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            ZHANG Yangjian (张扬建)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            ZHAO Xinquan (赵新全)

                                            Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS

                                            ZHEN Lin (甄 霖)

                                            Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural

                                            Resources Research, CAS

                                            ZHOU Qixing (周启星)

                                            Nankai University

                                            ZHUANG Jie (庄 杰)

                                            University of Tennessee, USA 

Pubdate: 2009-11-11    Viewed: 19511