Copyright Transfer Statement

Copyright Transfer Statement

In order to ensure both the widest dissemination and protection of materials published in Journal of Resources and Ecology, we ask authors to transfer the copyright of the article they contribute to Journal of Resources and Ecology editorial office at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This enables us to ensure protection against infringement.
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Copyright to the unpublished and original articles which are above-listed and submitted by the above Author(s), the abstract forming part and any subsequent errata is hereby transferred to the Journal of Resources and Ecology which is cosponsored by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, The China Society of Natural Resources and The Ecological Society of China, published by Science Press, P.R. China. And then full terms of above-listed Article are transferred to Journal of Resources and Ecology throughout the world, which are subject to the Author Rights defined hereinafter and to acceptance of the article for publication in Journal of Resources and Ecology. All materials to be published as part of the article are included in the transfer of copyright, which are included but not limited to tables, figures, and graphs.
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Signature(s) (all of the Authors):         

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Pubdate: 2023-12-22    Viewed: 2558