Resource and Environment

Temporal Variation Characteristics of Negative Air ion Concentration and Air Quality Evaluation in Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing

  • HAO Peiwen ,
  • SHI Changqing , * ,
  • ZHAO Yining ,
  • XIN Chengshu ,
  • CAO Yue ,
  • ZHAO Tingning
  • School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
* SHI Changqing, E-mail:

HAO Peiwen, E-mail:

Received date: 2022-07-13

  Accepted date: 2023-01-30

  Online published: 2023-10-23

Supported by

The Beijing Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau Project(2016 HXFWBHQ-ZZX-002)


The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal characteristics of negative air ion concentration in the Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing. Hence, three typical forest stands and a nonforested land control group were selected during the growing season of May to October. The ion concentration was monitored using the Japanese COM-3200PRO negative air ion detector, and the air quality was evaluated using the amperometric air ion evaluation index method. The results showed that the diurnal variation of negative air ion concentration in the typical forest stands exhibited “double peak” curves, except for Betula dahurica forest in spring. The peak values of the annual growth season were attained between 9:00 and 11:00 as well as 16:00 and 17:00, and the trough value was attained at approximately 13:00. The monthly concentration variation characteristics in the stands showed “single peaks”, with the exception of the Juglans mandshurica forest. The negative air ion concentration was higher in July, August, and September both inside and outside the forest. The seasonal concentration variation characteristics showed that the negative air ion concentration inside and outside the forest followed the relation: summer (833±150 ion cm-3) > autumn (735±174 ion cm-3) > spring (632±178 ion cm-3). From the air quality evaluation, the average CI value of the forested land was 0.75±0.26, indicating that the air was clean. The average CI value of the nonforested land was 0.31±0.04; the air quality was within an acceptable range. Overall, the concentration of each stand followed the relation: Juglans mandshurica (0.83±0.11) > Tilia mongolica (0.74±0.10) > Betula dahurica (0.67±0.13) > nonforested land (0.31±0.04). Varied forest stands have different temporal characteristics for negative air ion concentration and air quality. Using forest resources wisely, it is possible to significantly enhance the air quality in the Songshan National Nature Reserve.

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HAO Peiwen , SHI Changqing , ZHAO Yining , XIN Chengshu , CAO Yue , ZHAO Tingning . Temporal Variation Characteristics of Negative Air ion Concentration and Air Quality Evaluation in Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2023 , 14(6) : 1156 -1163 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2023.06.005

1 Introduction

Natural air can produce negative air ions in large amounts through radioactive material ionization, gases or cosmic rays (Tammet et al., 2006), the Lenard effect of water (Wu et al., 2001), natural lightning, frictional effects of wind and ground, and tip discharges of plants (Meng and Zhang, 2004; Wang et al., 2004). Negative air ions are beneficial for ster
ilization, reducing dust, purifying air, and enhancing immunity. Therefore, these ions are also referred toas “air vitamins and growth hormones”, adsorbing onto suspended matter and bacteria in the air (Alonso et al., 2009), purifying the air, and providing comfort for people (Bowers et al., 2018). In air quality assessment, negative air ions have been recognized as an important parameter for measuring air quality (Shao et al., 2005; Iwama, 2010; Wang et al., 2013).
Studies conducted worldwide on negative air ions have focused on the variation patterns of these ion concentrations, their influencing factors, and air quality evaluation (Liang et al., 2014; Cao et al., 2017). The evaluation methods adopted mainly include the unipolar coefficient evaluation method and amperometric air ion evaluation index method (Zhong et al., 1998), negative air ion coefficient (Shi et al., 2004), and relative density of air ions (Wu et al., 1998). Previous studies have also focused on the medical and health benefits of negative air ion concentrations (Goel and Etwaroo, 2006; Flory et al., 2010; Bowers et al., 2018). Recent studies conducted in domestic scholars have gradually moved focus to urban forests or green areas with considerably higher negative air ion concentrations than in nonforested land (Wu and Wang, 2007). Forest parks are naturally large oxygen bars, which have good health and body care benefits (Zhu et al., 2021). Si et al. (2014), Li et al. (2021), and Yu et al. (2021) have analyzed the changes in negative air ion concentration and its influencing factors and identified the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of these ions as well as the influence of plant photosynthetic characteristics, relative humidity, temperature, and weather conditions. Feng et al. (2015) showed that the negative air ion concentration in broadleaved forests is higher than that in forests of both coniferous and broad leaves.
Currently, the common tree species considered for these studies conducted around northern China are Platycladus orientalis, Pinus tabuliformis, and Populus davidiana. In this study, we examined Juglans mandshurica, Betula dahurica, and Tilia tuan in rocky mountain areas in northern China because of the lack of adequate research conducted in these forest stands. We investigated the changes in negative air ion concentration over a period of time for three typical forest stands at the Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing. The air quality was measured using the amperometric air ion evaluation index method,which provides important significance for better guiding the adjustment of stand structures, rational allocation of stand resources, and further exerting its due ecological benefits.

2 Overview of the study area

The Songshan National Nature Reserve is at the northwest of the central city of Yanqing district, Beijing (115°43′44″- 115°50′22″E, 40°29′9″-40°33′35″N). The area has a complex topography and varying altitude, and it is a warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone. The local climate is spring from May to June, summer from July to August, and autumn from September to October. The area has low precipitation and high winds in spring; it is warm and rainy in summer and has low temperature in autumn but is cold and dry in winter. The annual average temperature is 8.86 ℃, and the main soil types are brown, cinnamon, and meadow soils. The area has a high forest coverage and wide variety of wildlife. Particularly, the study area is east of the Xidazhuangke Village, a forest vegetation. The low altitude and frequent human interference cause the vegetation composition in the area to be complex, having both planted and natural forests. The vegetation is patchily distributed, and some common trees found in the area are Juglans mandshurica, Tilia mongolica, and Populus davidiana; some shrubs include Syringa villosa, Spiraea salicifolia, and Lespedeza bicolor; and herbs include Elymus dahuricus and Saussurea japonica.

3 Research methodology

3.1 Sampling methods

In this study, the air ion concentrations of three typical forest stands and open unforested land were measured from May 2017 to October 2017 during the growing season of plants at the Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing. Good weather conditions were selected, i.e., clear skies and no precipitation. The basic details of each stand shown in Table 1. The sampling points were placed in the forest 15 m from forest edge and 1.5 m above ground level, at the same height for adult respiration. Each stand was monitored for two consecutive days every month, representing the air ion concentration of the stand for the month. The monitoring time was from 8:00 to 18:00 daily, and observations were conducted after every hour. Each measurement was obtained continuously for 10 min.
Table 1 Summary of forest stands
Average tree height
Average diameter
at breast height
Measuring point
Stand density
(plant ha-1)
A Juglans mandshurica 28 12.79 14.97 971 115°45′22″E, 40°31′13″N 0.4 423
B Tilia mongolica 30 15.30 12.88 1250 115°46′22″E, 40°32′45″N 0.5 283
C Betula dahurica 25 12.37 11.96 1462 115°48′23″E, 40°32′46″N 0.6 249
D Nonforested land - - - 1420 115°48′23″E, 40°32′43″N - -
The air ion concentration in the different forest parts was measured using the Japanese COM-3200PRO air negative ion detector, which has a measurement resolution of 10 ion cm-3, a measurement range of 0 to 1999000 ion cm-3, and an operating temperature range of 5 ℃ to 35 ℃ and an operating relative humidity of 85% or less.

3.2 Data processing

The data were collated and calculated using Excel 2019 (Microsoft); characteristic graphs of the negative air ion concentration changes over time were plotted for different time periods in the Origin 2018 software (OriginLab). The air quality of the sample sites was evaluated using the air quality grading standard proposed by Japanese scholar Abe (1980). The amperometric air ion evaluation index method was used to reflect the degree of air cleanliness, expressed as:
$C I=n^{-} / 1000 q$
where q is the unipolar coefficient, q=n+/n; n+ and ${{n}^{-}}$ are the positive and negative air ion concentrations, respectively; and 1000 is the negative air ion concentration that satisfies the minimum requirement for the biological effectiveness of the human body (ion cm–3). Table 2 shows the evaluation criteria for CI.
Table 2 Evaluation criteria for amperometric air ion evaluation index
Air quality grade Degree of air cleanliness CI value
A The most clean >1.00
B Clean 0.70 -1.00
C Medium 0.50-0.69
D Allowable value 0.30-0.49
E Critical value <0.30

4 Results

4.1 Diurnal characteristic changes in negative air ion concentrations

The diurnal variation in negative air ion concentrations was studied in May, July, and September, which were selected as the representative months of the spring, summer, and autumn seasons. Figure 1 shows that the fluctuation pattern of negative air ion concentration in the three typical forest stands was mostly consistent from spring to autumn. Overall, the negative air ion concentration increased with seasonal changes and changed considerably in nonforested land. All three forest stands showed a “double peak” change pattern, except for the Betula dahurica forest in spring.
Fig. 1 Daily characteristics of negative air ion concentrations in (a) spring, (b) summer, and (c) autumn

Note: A, B, C, and D represent the Juglans mandshuric forest, the Tilia mongolica forest, the Betula dahurica forest, and the nonforested land, respectively.

In spring, the negative air ion concentration in the Juglans mandshuric, Tilia mongolica, and Betula dahurica forests rose between 8:00 and 10:00, reaching the first peak value of 776 ion cm-3, 774 ion cm-3, and 688 ion cm-3 at 10:00. The negative air ion concentration in the Juglans mandshuric forest reached a trough value of 489 ion cm-3 at 12:00 and a second peak value of 873 ion cm-3 at 16:00. The negative air ion concentration in the Tilia mongolica forest reached a trough value of 481 ion cm-3 at 14:00 and a second peak value of 708 ion cm-3 at 16:00. The negative concentration in the Betula dahurica forest showed slight fluctuations from 11:00 to 14:00, the concentration subsequently continued to rise, reaching a second peak value of 615 ion cm-3 at 15:00. Subsequently, the concentration decreased in these stands between 16:00 and 17:00 and then rebounded considerably. The concentration in the nonforested land reached a peak value of 428 ion cm-3 at 10:00 and a trough value of 277 ion cm-3 at 15:00.
In summer, the negative air ion concentration in the Juglans mandshuric forest first declined and then rebounded to reach its first peak value of 988 ion cm-3 at 10:00. A downward trend followed from 10:00 to 15:00, and then the value rebounded to reach a second peak value of 1030 ion cm-3 at 16:00; subsequently, the concentration declined. The concentration in the Tilia mongolica forest rose between 8:00 and 10:00, reaching its first peak value of 1093 ion cm-3 at 10:00, a trough value of 597 ion cm-3 at 14:00, and a second peak value of 934 ion cm-3 at 15:00. Subsequently, the concentration declined and slightly rebounded at 17:00. The negative air ion concentration in the Betula dahurica forest declined between 8:00 and 10:00 and reached a trough value of 613 ion cm-3 at 10:00 and a first peak value of 1003 ion cm-3 at 11:00. The concentration subsequently declined, reaching a trough value of 743 ion cm-3 at 13:00 and then rebounded, reaching a second peak value of 858 ion cm-3 at 15:00; the concentration declined between 15:00 and 18:00. Meanwhile, the negative air ion concentration in the nonforested land reached a peak value of 594 ion cm-3 at 11:00 and then began to fluctuate, reaching a trough value of 356 ion cm-3 at 13:00.
Compared with the case in summer, the autumn concentration variation patterns of the three forest stands showed more obvious “double peak”-curves at different time periods. The changing range was also more predictable, increasing between 8:00 and 10:00, attaining the first peak value of 1035 ion cm-3 at 11:00 and a trough value of 815 ion cm-3 at 12:00 in the Juglans mandshuric forest. The first peak values of 1033 ion cm-3 and 893 ion cm-3 were attained at 10:00, and the trough values of 738 ion cm-3 and 711 ion cm-3 were attained at 12:00 and 13:00 in the Tilia mongolica and Betula dahurica forest stands, respectively. The second peak values of 966 ion cm-3, 1205 ion cm-3, and 1142 ion cm-3 were attained at 16:00 for all three forest stands, and the concentration declined between 16:00 and 18:00.
Regarding the fluctuation magnitude of negative air ion concentrations, the three forest stands were comparable; the nonforested land had the lowest concentration. Overall, a considerably high negative air ion concentration was observed in summer than in spring, and the magnitude of change was considerable greater in the former, highly correlating to the high plant growth and humidity at the site in summer. The variation pattern of the negative air ion concentration in the nonforested land was unclear.

4.2 Monthly characteristic changes in negative air ion concentrations

Figure 2 shows that from May to October, the negative air ion concentrations in the Songshan National Nature Reserve was in descending order of magnitude: Juglans mandshuric forest > Tilia mongolica forest > Betula dahurica forest > nonforested land, with considerably higher concentrations in the forest area than beyond. Apart from the Juglans mandshuric forest, the other two forest stands showed a “single-peak” variation. Higher negative air ion concentrations were observed in areas within and outside the forest in July, August, and September. This is because this month’s the rainfall, sunshine intensity, and temperature in this month are more conducive to plant growth than those in other months. For the Juglans mandshuric forest, the highest concentration was 884 ion cm-3 in June while the lowest was 592 ion cm-3 in October; for the Tilia mongolica and Betula dahurica forests, the highest concentration was 905 ion cm-3 and 848 ion cm-3 in September, respectively, and the lowest was 593 ion cm-3 and 494 ion cm-3 in May, respectively.
Fig. 2 Monthly change characteristics of negative air ion concentration

Note: A, B, C, and D represent the Juglans mandshuric forest, the Tilia mongolica forest, the Betula dahurica forest, and the nonforested land, respectively; The different letters of a, b represent significant differences.

Compared to October, the start of winter and when temperatures and humidity are low, and plants’ leaves are dying, May’s low concentration of negative air ions in the forest stands is caused by the spring season when plants are in their early stages of growth. Because Juglans mandshuric forest is a fast-growing species, whereas Tilia mongolica and Betula dahurica forests are both slow-growing species, they produce significantly different fluctuations in negative air ion concentrations throughout the growing season. This may account for the larger monthly variations of negative ion concentrations and the earlier peaks in negative ion concentrations in the Juglans mandshuric forest. The negative air ion concentration in the nonforested land fluctuated slightly; the lowest concentration was 358 ion cm-3 in June, and the highest was 486 ion cm-3 in August.

4.3 Seasonal characteristic changes in negative air ion concentrations

Table 3 illustrates the negative air ion concentration distribution within and outside the forest in the Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing; the values were in descending order of summer (833±150 ion cm-3) > autumn (735±174 ion cm-3) > spring (632±178 ion cm-3). This is because each forest stand grows slowly or even stagnates in the fall, the leaves start to wither, and the air is relatively clean in the spring when windy evaporation is high, and air humidity is low. In contrast, each forest stand grows rapidly in the summer when sunlight intensity is high, sunlight time is long, plant photosynthesis is strong, metabolic function is strong, and the growth is the most luxuriant. The growth of forest stands is slow or even stagnant in the autumn, and the leaves start to wither. In contrast, in the spring, the windy evaporation is significant, the air humidity is low, and each forest stand is still in the early stages of growth sprout. The negative air ion concentration in Juglans mandshuric forest > Tilia mongolica forest > Betula dahurica forest > nonforested land in spring and summer; the concentration in Tilia mongolica forest > Juglans mandshuric forest > Betula dahurica forest > nonforested land in autumn. The growth traits of the two strands impact the differences between the Juglans mandshuric and Tilia mongolica forests. Regarding the values throughout the growing season, Juglans mandshuric forest (793±195 ion cm-3) > Tilia mongolica (738± 170 ion cm-3) > Betula dahurica forest (669±174 ion cm-3) > nonforested land (421±89 ion cm-3). The average air ion concentration in the forest stands was approximately 1.74 times higher than that in the non forested land.
Table 3 Seasonal air ion concentrations by forest stand types (Unit: ion cm-3)
Stand origin Forest type Spring Summer Autumn Average
Forested land Juglans mandshurica 755±206 753±163 896±164 832±92 728±169 725±115 793±195 770±135
Tilia mongolica 621±107 626±86 833±141 804±125 761±179 799±133 738±170 743±143
Betula dahurica 519±114 547±109 772±116 752±82 716±172 740±127 669±174 679±143
Average 632±178 642±150 833±150 796±107 735±174 755±129 733±187 731±145
Nonforested land 360±72 491±97 478±70 654±82 426±81 565±90 421±89 570±112

Note: NAIs and PAIs represent the negative air ion concentration and positive air ion concentration.

4.4 Air Quality Assessment Index

The air quality within and outside the forest of the Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing, during spring, summer, and autumn was measured using the amperometric air ion evaluation index method (Table 4). A distinct difference in the air quality was observed between the forested and nonforested lands; the air quality of the forested land was considerably higher than that of the nonforested land, indicating that forested areas can provide comfort and are more suitable for human activities.
Table 4 Air quality assessment results
Stand origin Forest type Spring Summer Autumn Average
CI value Grade CI value Grade CI value Grade CI value Grade
Forested land Juglans mandshurica 0.76±0.26 B 0.98±0.17 B 0.74±0.25 B 0.83±0.11 B
Tilia mongolica 0.62±0.14 C 0.87±0.17 B 0.74±0.26 B 0.74±0.10 B
Betula dahurica 0.50±0.13 C 0.80±0.16 B 0.71±0.24 B 0.67±0.13 C
Average 0.63±0.21 C 0.88±0.24 B 0.73±0.25 B 0.75±0.26 B
Nonforested land 0.27±0.06 E 0.35±0.08 D 0.32±0.08 D 0.31±0.04 D
The air quality of the forested land was considerably better than that of the nonforested land during different seasons. The average CI value for the forested land in spring was 0.63±0.21, with an air quality class C (a medium clean level). In summer and autumn, the CI values for the forested land were 0.88±0.24 and 0.73±0.25, respectively with an air quality class B (clean level). The CI value for the nonforested land in spring was 0.27±0.06, having the poorest air quality of class E and a critical cleanliness level. However, the CI values for the nonforested land improved slightly in summer and autumn to 0.35±0.08 and 0.32±0.08, respectively, with an air quality of class D; the cleanliness level was within an acceptable value range.
For the entire plant growing season, the average CI value for the forested land was 0.75±0.26, with clean air and an average air quality of class B; the average CI value for the nonforested land was 0.31±0.04, with an average air quality of class D. The air cleanliness remained within an acceptable value range.
For the three forest stands, the air of the Juglans mandshuric forest was clean and of class B, whereas those of the Tilia mongolica and Betula dahurica forests were moderately clean in spring and of class C. The CI values of the forest stands in autumn were lower than those in summer, but the air quality of the three stands was clean and of class B. For the entire growing season, the air quality was in the following order: Juglans mandshuric forest (0.83±0.11) > Tilia mongolica forest (0.74±0.10) > Betula dahurica forest (0.67±0.13).

5 Discussion

The negative air ions concentration is considerably higher in forested land than in the nonforested land because the rocks and soil in the forest produce vast amounts of radioactive materials. The tip discharge, transpiration, and dustfall of plants also increase negative air ion concentration (Jovanić and Jovanić, 2001; Shi et al., 2010a, 2010b). The fluctuation pattern of negative air ion concentration in each forest stand was as “double peaks”, and the first peak value was attained between 9:00 and 11:00. This phenomenon was probably influenced by plant photosynthesis, whereby the concentration increased as solar radiation increased in the morning, resulting in the generation of a large amount of negative air ion. The trough value was attained at about 13:00, resulting from the “siesta” phenomenon of plants at noon when solar radiation is strong. Additionally, the temperature in the forest stands was higher, and the relative humidity was lower, resulting in a decrease in negative air ion concentration. The second peak value was attained between 16:00 and 17:00 when solar radiation was weak in the afternoon. Hence, as plant photosynthesis gradually increased, the relative humidity in the stands and negative air ion concentration increased (Wang et al., 2010). These findings are consistent with those of Tammet et al. (2006), Huang et al. (2013), Zhao et al. (2018). In contrast, Liu et al. (2019) found that the negative air ion concentration in the Square Park area attained trough value between 9:00 and 10:00. This phenomenon may have occurred because of the high number of visitors at the park in the morning and solar radiation is still relatively weak at that time. However, compared with the rising trend of air negative ion concentration in the Songshan National Nature Reserve during this period, the influence of human activities on it is still obvious. The negative air ion concentrations of the Songshan National Nature Reserve forest stands in the different seasons ranged from high to low: summer > autumn > spring, which is consistent with the findings of Wu et al. (2006), Pawar et al. (2010) and Li et al. (2022). This is consistent with a high photoel, ectric effect occurring in the summer (Li et al., 2019; Shi et al., 2022) when environmental conditions are more suitable for plant growth than spring and autumn. However, other scholars have reported winter > spring > autumn > summer (Cong and Sun, 2010), which may related to the special weather conditions of the four seasons in Dalian. The air quality evaluation results obtained through the amperometric air ion evaluation index are generally consistent with the negative air ion concentration results: The forested land had better air quality, and the nonforested land had acceptable air quality range, signifying that forest stands play a crucial role in regulating atmospheric quality and exploiting the health benefits of forests. Likewise, the air quality of the three forest stands was in the order of Juglans mandshuric forest > Tilia mongolica forest > Betula dahurica forest, providing guidance for future forest resource management for the Songshan National Nature Reserve to improve ecological service value.
The selected three typical forest stands in the Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing, are all deciduous broad-leaved forests; Shao et al. (2005) suggested that negative air ion concentration in broadleaved forests is higher than that in coniferous forests in spring and summer, whereas the opposite is true in autumn and winter seasons. This may be because the leaf area index of broadleaved forest species is higher in spring and summer during the growing season. Similarly, several studies have been conducted to compare the negative air ion concentrations between coniferous and broadleaved forests, but the underlying negative air ion concentration differences between broadleaved forests is yet to be investigated. The unipolar coefficient and amperometric air ion evaluation index techniques are typically used to evaluate the air quality of negative air ion concentrations. However, Shi et al. (2004) and others have shown that these techniques have their limitations and are more suitable for measuring air ion concentrations in urban and residential areas than in forests. Therefore, the application of such indices for measuring forest air quality should be further verified.

6 Conclusions

The daily negative air ion concentration characteristics is “bimodal” in all forest stands at the Songshan National Nature Reserve, Beijing, except in the Betula dahurica forest in spring. Generally, the peak values for each stand primarily occur between 9:00 and 11:00 and between 16:00 and 17:00, with the troughs occurring at around 13:00. The months of July, August, and September have the highest levels of negative air ions both inside and outside the forest, with slight variations between the Juglans mandshuric forest and the Tilia mongolica and Betula dahurica forests. The magnitude of daily negative air ion concentration fluctuations varied among the seasons. Relatively sharp fluctuations were observed in summer and autumn while more stable fluctuations were observed in spring; Using the amperometric air ion evaluation index to evaluate air quality, we found both forested and nonforested land to be in the order of summer > autumn > spring, with clean air quality in summer and autumn and moderately clean air quality in spring. Similarly, we found that Juglans mandshuric forest > Tilia mongolica forest > Betula dahurica forest > nonforested land, with clean air quality in the Juglans mandshuric and Tilia mongolica forests, and moderately clean air quality in the Betula dahurica forest while the nonforested land air quality fell within an acceptable quality range.
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