Plant Ecology

Analysis of the Plant Resources and Diversity around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir in Jiamusi, China

  • LIANG Yinghui ,
  • ZHOU Nan ,
  • MU Dan , * ,
  • LI Qingnan
  • College of Biology and Agriculture, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi, Heilongjiang 154007, China
* MU Dan, E-mail:

LIANG Yinghui, E-mail:

Received date: 2022-05-02

  Accepted date: 2022-12-30

  Online published: 2023-09-27

Supported by

The Key Research Topics for Economic and Social Development of Jiamusi City(230046)


Reservoirs are artificial wetlands with functions such as flood control, water supply, improving livelihoods and regulating the ecological environment. Taking the plants of Sifeng Mountain Reservoir in Jiamusi City as the object of investigation, we studied and analyzed the diversity of plant resources in the reservoirs, aiming to provide a basis for the conservation and use of plants in the reservoirs and the ecological restoration of artificial wetlands. The field trekking method, literature research method, and sample method were used to study the reservoir plant resources in terms of their life types, ecological types, distribution types and plant communities. The survey found 175 species, 137 genera, and 56 families of plants around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir, including 2 species under National Grade II status. The predominant plant families are Compositae and Rosaceae, while the main plant genus is Artemisia L. Among the six life types, perennial herbaceous plants are dominant, with 86 species, accounting for 49.14% of the total plant population. The ecotype is dominated by mesophytes (118 species), followed by wet plants (56 species) and aquatic plants are the fewest, with only one species. The type of distribution area is clearly temperate. The 16 sample plots were divided into six communities based on species importance, with the plant communities showing a distribution of patches with varying sizes.

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LIANG Yinghui , ZHOU Nan , MU Dan , LI Qingnan . Analysis of the Plant Resources and Diversity around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir in Jiamusi, China[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2023 , 14(6) : 1243 -1251 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2023.06.012

1 Introduction

Wetland, known as the “kidneys of the earth”, refers to an intermediate habitat between terrestrial and aquatic systems (Hu et al., 2017; Moor et al., 2017; Li, 2020). Wetlands play an irreplaceable role in the ecosystem as buffer zones that purify water, improve water quality, provide habitat for organisms, and improve local climate (Cui et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2006; Wu et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2021). Reservoirs belong to the category of artificial wetlands, and changes in the water ecosystem of reservoirs will affect the security of the water supply to the source (Li et al., 2012). Sifeng Mountain Reservoir is the first medium-sized reservoir in Heilongjiang Province. Since its establishment, the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir has played an essential role in protecting the downstream farmland, as well as maintaining the safety of the Jiamusi city area by storing floodwater and reducing the peak flow into the downstream rivers in order to mitigate flood disasters. In recent years, the Sifenshan Reservoir Scenic Area has focused on constructing tourism facilities to provide recreational and sporting areas for the general public, improve the living environment, and offer habitats for plants and animals.
Compared to the surrounding area, the reservoir environment is more suitable for the growth of many kinds of plants, and the plant species resources are more abundant. For example, Gao (2019) found that there were 332 species of vascular plants in the forest scenic area of the Chaihe Reservoir in Tieling, including 92 species of ornamental plants and five species of rare and endangered plants. Vegetation plays an important role in both the wetland ecosystem and the atmospheric carbon cycle (Li et al., 2011; Tripathee and Schäfer, 2015; Zhao et al., 2018). Wetland plants can green the environment, purify water, regulate the climate and have certain economic benefits (Li et al., 2017), and their role in reservoirs can also serve in soil consolidation and dike protection. However, the current research on reservoir-type landscapes focuses mainly on the basic or economic functions of reservoirs, such as flood control and power generation, with less research on their ecological functions and values, and the conservation and restoration of wetland habitats is a major challenge. Therefore, understanding and mastering the diversity of plant resources is necessary to formulate and adapt reservoir ecosystem restoration and conservation programs. This study used the methods of on-the-spot investigation and data analysis to conduct a statistical analysis of the plant resources around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir in order to gradually improve the protection and utilization of the wetland plant resources. This information on the current situation of plant resources is expected to provide a reference for the vegetation protection, wetland restoration, and reconstruction of the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir.

2 Study area and methods

2.1 Study area

The Sifeng Mountain Reservoir is located 6 km southwest of Jiamusi city, in the middle reaches of the Ingetu River, and belongs to the Wanda Mountain system. The reservoir has a hot and rainy summer and a cold and dry winter, with a mid-temperate continental monsoon climate. The average annual temperature is 3 ℃, the frost-free period is about 146 d, the average annual precipitation is 530.7 mm, the sunshine hours are 2319.3 hours and the effective cumulative temperature is 2866.6 ℃. The responsibility for its wetland restoration belongs to the Jiamusi city inland river area environmental management project, which is one of the sub-projects of the pilot project of ecological protection and restoration of the Xiaoxinganling-Sanjiang Plain mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, and grasses. Its construction mainly includes 16 ha of new wetlands in the upper reaches of the reservoir, 10 ha of vegetation restoration, and 48 ha of ecological protection forest belt planting. The ecological restoration will effectively improve the water environment, maintain the water quality standard of the reservoir, and thus enhance the surrounding environment of the reservoir area for all. The Sifengsahn Reservoir Scenic Area was built with the reservoir at the center, with its pleasant natural scenery and unpretentious beauty. The vertical well spillway is the only one in the province. with a unique style of spillway facilities. The cliff wall carving of the 12 zodiac statues, the observation deck of the water extraction tower, and the wooden walkway around the lake attract many domestic and foreign tourists, making it a rare ecological tourist area.

2.2 Research methods

This study took the Sifengshan Reservoir as the research object, and conducted a comprehensive survey of the current situation of the reservoir plants from July to September 2021, recording the plant species, growth conditions and morphological characteristics. The survey method mainly adopted the sampling method, which was equidistant around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir and specified 16 representative areas (plots) in the reservoir for plant surveys (Fig. 1). Using vegetation distribution in different plots, the herb communities, shrub communities, and tree communities were surveyed in 1 m×1 m, 4 m×4 m, and 10 m×10 m sample plots in each of the 16 plots. For shrub communities, a 1 m×1 m sample was set in the center of the sample to investigate herbaceous plants; for tree communities, a 4 m×4 m shrub sample was set in the center, and a 1m ×1 m sample was set in the center of the shrub sample to investigate the herbaceous plants. A total of 96 plant communities were investigated, of which 16 were tree communities, 32 were shrub communities and 48 were herbaceous communities. The plant species and habitats in the quadrat system were recorded through field investigation, photography, specimen collection, and plant identification. The species identification of plants in the reservoir-type landscape of Sifeng Mountain was based on the Flora of China (Editorial Committee of Flora of China of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004), the Atlas of Common Wild Plants of Heilongjiang (Li and Cang, 2014), the Flora of Heilongjiang Province (Zhou, 1992), and the Flora of Heilongjiang Province (Nie et al., 1998), and the analysis of their life and ecotypes. The national key plants were identified with reference to the Chinese Rare and Endangered Plants Information System ( (Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013); and the flora of the region was analyzed according to the view of Wu (1991) and Wu et al. (2003) on the distribution types of seed plant families and genera in China. Plant communities were analyzed according to the species importance and actual conditions.
Fig. 1 Diagram of the distribution area of the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir, showing the 16 sampling points

3 Results and analysis

3.1 Diversity of plant resources

The investigation of plant species around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir revealed 175 species of plants belonging to 56 families and 137 genera. They include 54 families, 133 genera and 169 species of angiosperms, including 26 species of monocotyledons belonging to 21 genera of 6 families, and 143 species of dicotyledons belonging to 112 genera of 48 families; in addition to 2 families, 4 genera and 6 species of gymnosperms (Table 1). There are two species of National Grade II protected plants in the scenic area, namely Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. & Rupr.) Maxim. and Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. Maxim.) Harms. The survey results show that angiosperms are the main component of the plants around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir, accounting for 96.57% of the total species; while gymnosperms are rare, accounting for only 3.43%.
Table 1 The diversity of plant resources around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir
Phylum Class Family Genus Species
Number of
Percentage (%) Number of genera Percentage (%) Number of species Percentage (%)
Angiosperm Monocotyledon 6 10.72 21 15.33 26 14.86
Dicotyledon 48 85.71 112 81.75 143 81.71
Gymnosperm 2 3.57 4 2.92 6 3.43
Total 56 - 137 - 175 -

3.2 Diversity of plant families and genera

The numbers of species contained in the different families of plants around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir were counted (Table 2). The results show that there is only one single species in 25 of the families, accounting for 44.64% of the total number of families and 14.29% of the 175 total species, including Plantaginaceae, Tiliaceae, Cyperaceae, Apocynaceae. There are 28 families with 2 to 9 species in each, accounting for 50% of the total families, and 54.86% of the total species, including Ranunculaceae, Gramineae, Labiatae, and Amaranthaceae. One family (Liliaceae with 12 species) is in the range of 10 to 19 species, accounting for 1.79% of the total number of families and 6.86% of the total species. More than 20 species occur in 2 dominant families, accounting for 3.57% of the total number of families and 24.00% of the total number of species, namely Compositae (21 species) and Rosaceae (21 species). In summary, the Compositae and Rosaceae families contain the greatest numbers of species, both with 21 species. They are the dominant plant species around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir, playing a dominant role in the plant resources within the reservoir.
Table 2 Species of plants from different families around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir
Number of species in a single family Number of families Percentage of total families (%) Number of species Percentage of total species (%)
≥20 2 3.57 42 24.00
10-19 1 1.79 12 6.86
2-9 28 50 96 54.86
1 25 44.64 25 14.28
Total 56 - 175 -
Statistics on the species numbers of different genera of plants around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir (Table 3) show that a single genus has an apparent advantage. Among the 137 genera, there are 108 genera with a single species, accounting for 78.83% of the total genera and 61.71% of the total species, including Allium L., Lespedeza Michx., Sambucus L., etc. There are 28 genera with 2 to 3 species, accounting for 20.44% of the total genera and 35.43% of the total species, including Viola L., Lilium L., Hemerocallis L. The dominant genus with more than 3 species in the reservoir is Artemisia L. (5 species), accounting for 0.73% of the total genera and 2.86% of the total species. The statistical results of the numbers of species within each genus showed that the single-species genera containing only one plant in the reservoir accounted for the most significant proportion. The dominant genus (Artemisia L.) accounted for a small proportion, indicating the diversity and complexity of the plant composition in the reservoir.
Table 3 Species of plants from different genera around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir
Number of species in a single genus Number of genera Percentage of total genera (%) Number of species Percentage of total species (%)
>3 1 0.73 5 2.86
2-3 28 20.44 62 35.43
1 108 78.83 108 61.71
Total 137 - 175 -

3.3 Analysis of life types of the plants

A plant life-form refers to plants that have adapted to certain habitat conditions and have similar morphological and structural characteristics (He et al., 2019). The analysis of life forms can reflect the relationship between species distribution and the environment in the study area. A statistical analysis of the different life forms of plants around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir (Fig. 2) shows that the Reservoir is rich in perennial herbs, with a total of 86 species, accounting for 49.14% of the total plant species, including Trifolium repens L., Rumex acetosa L., Viola philippica Cav.. This form is followed by annual herbs, with a total of 29 species, accounting for 16.57% of the total plant species, such as Arthraxon hispidus (Trin.) Makino, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop, and Xanthium sibiricum L.. There are 22 species of arbor, accounting for 12.57% of the total plant species, such as Prunus davidiana (Carrière) Franch., Picea asperata Mast., and Pinus massoniana Lamb.; 28 species of shrubs, accounting for 16% of the total plant species, such as Viburnum dilatatum Thunb., Cornus alba L., and Acer ginnala Maxim.; 6 species of biennial herbs, accounting for 3.43% of the total plant species, such as Plantago asiatica L., and Viola tricolor L.; and the vine form is the least, with only 4 species, accounting for 2.29% of the total plant species, including Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch., and Schisandra chinensis (Turcz) Baill.. This analysis shows that the plant life forms in the scenic area are mainly herbs, and there are few trees and vines, which reflects the composition characteristics of the plants in the scenic area to a certain extent.
Fig. 2 Statistical distribution of plant life forms around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir

3.4 Diversity analysis of plant ecotypes

An ecotype is a product of the genotype responses of species to a particular habitat, and it is the basis of species evolution (Yang et al., 2016). The Sifeng Mountain Reservoir plant ecotypes mainly include hygrophytes, mesophytes and aquatic plants (Fig. 3). Among them, mesophytes account for the largest proportion, with a total of 118 species, or 67.42%, and are the main body of plant ecotypes in the region. This ecotype is followed by hygrophytes, with a total of 56 species, or 32.00%; and aquatic plants are relatively few as there is only one species, or only 0.58%. The mesophytes are dominated by Pinaceae Spreng. ex F. Rudolphi and Aceraceae Juss., with many tall trees forming a natural boundary around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir. There are many species of hygrophytes in Poaceae Barnhart and Rosaceae Juss. The wet conditions of the reservoir wetland are suitable for the growth and reproduction of wet plants (Li et al., 2021a). However, the proportion of wet plants around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir is not very large, considering that there are naturally growing plants around the reservoir. There are a few artificially introduced species, so the wet plants do not have obvious advantages. There is only one type of aquatic plant, Scirpus validus Vahl, which is an emergent plant. Aquatic plants can improve the water quality of water sources, improve the self-purification ability of water bodies, and provide residents with a clean and beautiful ecological environment (Wang et al., 2017; Cao et al., 2018). As a buffer zone, they reduce wetland inhibiting wastewater pollutants and purify water pollution (Li et al., 2021b; McKnight et al., 2021; Quang and Thanh, 2021). Therefore, hygrophytes and aquatic plants can play a role in the economic value in reservoir-type tourist areas, and have great value in the wetland ecological restoration of reservoirs and protection of the water environment (Li et al., 2022).
Fig. 3 Statistical distribution of plant ecological types around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir

3.5 Flora analysis

3.5.1 Distribution type analysis of the plant families

According to the distribution area types of seed plant families devised by Wu et al. (2003), the 56 families of plants around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir can be divided into six distribution area types and three distribution area variants (Table 4). The data in Table 4 show that among the 56 families of plants around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir, 30 families are Cosmopolitan, accounting for 53.58% of the total number of families; 8 families have pantropical distribution, accounting for 14.28%; 3 families of plants are distributed in the northern temperate zone, accounting for 5.35%; 8 families have intermittent distribution in the northern temperate and the southern temperate zone; 3 families have tropical Asia-tropical Africa-tropical America distribution; 1 family of plants has a tropical Asia and tropical America intermittent distribution; 1 family is distributed from tropical Asia to tropical Oceania; 1 family has a South Africa chiefly Cape distribution; and 1 family is distributed in East Asia. In addition to the global distribution, the distributions of the plant families of Sifeng Mountain Reservoir are mainly concentrated in the tropical and temperate regions.
Table 4 Distribution area types of plant genera and their variants around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir Scenic Area
Areal-type Number of
Percentage of total families (%) Number of genera Percentage of total genera (%)
1. Cosmopolitan 30 53.58 19 13.87
2. Pantropic 8 14.28 16 11.68
2-1. Trop. Asia-Trop. Afr. Trop. Amer 3 5.35 - -
3. Trop. Asia & Trop. Amer. 1 1.79 1 0.73
4. Old World Tropical 0 - 2 1.46
5. Trop. Asia to Trop. Australasia Oceania 1 1.79 -
6. Trop. Asia to trop. Africa 0 - 2 1.46
6-1. S. Afr. chiefly Cape 1 1.79 -
7. Trop. Asia (Indo-Malesia) 0 - 1 0.73
8. North temperate 3 5.35 52 37.96
8-1. N. Temp.& S. Temp. 8 14.28 10 7.30
9. E. Asia & N. Amer. 0 - 12 8.76
10. Old World temperate 0 - 9 6.57
10-1. Mediterranean, W. Asia & E. Asia 0 - 2 1.46
11. Temp. Asia 0 - 2 1.46
12. Mediterranea, W. Asia to C. Asia 0 - 1 0.73
12-1. Mediterranean to C. Asia & Mexico to S. USA. 0 - 1 0.73
14. East Asian 1 1.79 4 2.91
14-1. Sino-Himalaya 0 - 1 0.73
14-2. Sino-Japan 0 - 2 1.46

3.5.2 Distribution type analysis of the plant genera

According to the Wu (1991) classification of the distribution area types of seed plant genera, the 137 genera of plants around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir can be divided into 12 distribution area types and five distribution area variants (Table 4). Among them, are 19 genera in the Cosmopolitan distribution type, accounting for 13.87% of the total genera. There are 87 genera in the temperate distribution and its deformation (type 8-11), accounting for 63.50% of the total genera, among which, the distribution in the Northern Temperate zone and its deformation in the N. Temp. & S. Temp. disjunction zone is the greatest in number, with a total of 62 genera (such as Allium L., Trifolium L., and Artemisia L.). In addition, the temperate distribution also includes 12 genera with discontinuous distribution in E. Asia & N. Amer. disjuncted (such as Parthenocissus Planch, and Antenoron Raf), 11 genera of Old World Temperate distribution types and their metamorphic Mediterranea. W. Asia (or C. Asia) & E. Asia disjuncted (such as Hemerocallis L., Ligustrum L., and Amygdalus L.) and 2 genera of Temperate Asian distribution types (Kalimeris Cass., and Armeniaca Mill.). There are 23 genera with a Tropical distribution and its deformations (types 2-7), accounting for 16.79% of the total number of genera, with the largest number of Pantropical distribution types belonging to 16 genera (such as Lindernia, Triadica Lour, and Abutilon Mill.), 2 genera of Old World tropical distribution types (Catharanthus G. Don, and Grewia L.), 2 genera of Tropical Asian to Tropical African distribution (Arthraxon Beauv, and Tripogon Roem. Et Schult), and 1 genus of Tropical Asian distribution (Ixeris Cass). The remainder are 2 genera (Epilobium L., and Gypsophila L.) from the Mediterranean, West to Central Asian distribution type and its deformed Mediterranean to Central Asia and Mexico to South USA disjuncted; and 7 genera (such as Eriobotrya Lindl, and Hosta Tratt) from the East Asian distribution type and its deformed Chinese Himalayan distribution and Southeast Asian distribution (Chinese-Japanese distribution) type. This analysis shows that in the flora around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir, the Temperate distribution and its variants account for the largest proportion, up to 63.50%; followed by the Tropical distribution and its variants, accounting for 16.79% of the total genera; then the East Asian distribution and its variants total 7 genera, accounting for 5.10% of the total genera; and finally the Mediterranean, West to Central Asian distribution and its variants total 2 genera, accounting for 1.46% of the total genera. To a certain extent, this distribution among the types reflects the temperate nature of the reservoir flora, with a slight infiltration of tropical components.

3.6 Types of plant communities

A plant community is an assemblage of plant populations living in the same environment in a certain area, often with relatively complex interrelationships (Huang et al., 2000). Plant communities are important components of wetland ecosystems and can reflect the characteristics and functional features of the ecosystem. The study of plant community diversity can reflect the differences in plant community performance in terms of composition, structure, function and dynamics. Wetlands can be better protected by clarifying the types of wet plant communities, habitats and distribution areas in protected areas. Based on the species importance values, the 16 sample plots and 175 species of wetland plants were classified according to the actual local conditions. They were ultimately divided into six plant communities, as shown in Table 5, denoted by I-VI.
Table 5 The six basic types of plant communities around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir Scenic Area
Community number Types of communities Dominant species Sample site distribution
I Acer truncatum Bunge + Ulmus pumila L.-Lagopsis supina (Steph. ex Willd.) Ik.-Gal. ex Knorr. Acer truncatum Bunge, Ulmus pumila L., Lagopsis supina (Steph. ex Willd.) Ik., Gal. ex Knorr. Located slightly further away from the waterfront, including plots 1, 2, 3 and 4
II Potentilla supina L.+ Bidens pilosa L. + Viola philippica Potentilla supina L., Bidens pilosa L., Viola philippica Located in a wet area adjacent to the reservoir, including Sample plots 5 and 6
III Scirpus validus Vahl + Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Scirpus validus Vahl, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Located in the shallow water area of the reservoir, including Sample plots 7, 8 and 9
IV Oxalis corniculata L.+ Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke Oxalis corniculata L., Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke Located around the reservoir, including sample plots 10 and 11
V Leonurus japonicus Houttuyn + Abutilon theophrasti Medicus + Artemisia argyi Levl. et Van. Leonurus japonicus Houttuyn, Abutilon theophrasti Medicus, Artemisia argyi Levl. et Van Located in a wet area adjacent to the reservoir, including sample plot 12
VI Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen.-Metasequoia glyptostroboides-Stellaria media (L.) Cyr. Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen., Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Stellaria media (L.) Cyr. Located on the bank on the side of the reservoir, including sample plots 13, 14, 15 and 16
(I) Acer truncatum Bunge + Ulmus pumila L.-Lagopsis supina (Steph. ex Willd.) Ik.-Gal. ex Knorr., includes sample plots 1, 2, 3 and 4. The tree layer consists of Acer truncatum Bunge, Ulmus pumila L., Amygdalus triloba and Syringa oblata Lindl.; the dominant species in the herbaceous layer is Lagopsis supina (Steph. ex Willd.) Ik.-Gal. ex Knorr., with associated species such as Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch., Stellaria media (L.) Cyr., Rumex acetosa L., Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf, and Artemisia annua Linn. Growing a little further away from the water bank, forming a natural barrier at the periphery of the reservoir, this community is richer in species, less damaged and more widely distributed.
(II) Potentilla supina L.+ Bidens pilosa L. + Viola philippica, including sample plots 5 and 6, the dominant species are Potentilla supina L., Bidens pilosa L. and Viola philippica, and the associated species are Hylotelephium erythrostictum (Miq.) H.Ohba, Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L., Leonurus japonicus Houttuyn, Rumex acetosa L., Trifolium repens L., and others. It grows in the wet area beside the reservoir, with a small distribution area, and is located in the wetland restoration area, mainly with a continuous distribution.
(III) Scirpus validus Vahl + Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., includes sample plots 7, 8 and 9, with Scirpus validus Vahl and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. as the dominant species, and Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. and Plantago asiatica L. as the associated species. It grows in the shallow water area of the reservoir, with a single community structure, and is in a revegetation zone.
(IV) Oxalis corniculata L.+ Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke, includes sample plots 10 and 11, with Oxalis corniculata L. and Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke as dominant species, and Galinsoga parviflora Cav. as an associated species. The community is simple in composition and structure, and is not concentrated.
(V) Leonurus japonicus Houttuyn + Abutilon theophrasti Medicus + Artemisia argyi Levl. et Van, includes sample plot 12, with the dominant species being Leonurus japonicus Houttuyn, Abutilon theophrasti Medicus and Artemisia argyi Levl. et Van, and the associated species being Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Potentilla chinensis Ser. and Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder. It grows in the wet area next to the reservoir, with a small distribution area, and is in the wetland vegetation restoration area.
(VI) Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen.-Metasequoia glyptostroboides-Stellaria media (L.) Cyr., includes sample plots 13, 14, 15 and 16, with Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen. and Metasequoia glyptostroboides in the tree layer, the dominant species in the herb layer is Stellaria media (L.) Cyr., and the associated species are Chenopodium album L., Pilea pumila (L.) A.Gray, and others. It grows on one side of the reservoir bank and is rich in species, and is also the main landscape to visit.

4 Discussion

The Sifeng Mountain Reservoir is an artificial wetland that integrates hydraulic engineering and natural landscape. Its development does not directly consume water resources, and what is utilized mainly includes ecological tourism and play benefits. Compared with other urban parks, reservoirs have natural conditions that provide better habitats for wet plants, aquatic flora and fauna, and other organisms. Wetland plants in reservoirs can green the environment, purify water, fix the soil and protect dikes, and they also have certain economic benefits. Therefore, it is important to protect the biodiversity of the reservoir and restore the wetland ecosystem.
The Sifeng Mountain Reservoir is rich in plant species, with 175 species in 56 families and 137 genera. Angiosperms are the main component of plants in the reservoir, and gymnosperms are rare. From the perspective of family and genus compositions, the dominant families of plants are Compositae and Rosaceae, both of which contain 25 species, displaying an obvious advantage among the plants around the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir; while the dominant genus is Artemisia L. (5 species). The proportion of single family and single species of plants in the reservoir is the highest, indicating the abundance of plant resources in the scenic area.
Life types can reflect the interrelationship between species distribution and the environment in a study area. In terms of life types, the herbaceous plants occupy the dominant position. Herbaceous plants have a short life cycle and fast renewal speed, which are conducive to the renewal and protection of plants around Sifeng Mountain Reservoir. The ecotype is the basis of species evolution and the product of a species’ response to a particular habitat. From the perspective of ecological types, mesophytes occupy a more significant proportion, with 118 species; while hygrophytes and aquatic plants account for smaller proportions, with 56 species and 1 species, respectively. The analysis of life type and ecotype can indicate the richness of the species in an area. The Sifeng Mountain Reservoir is undergoing wetland restoration. Under the condition of retaining the original wetland plants, plants with ecological value and economic effects, such as Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., Acorus calamus L., and Typha orientalis Presl, can be introduced to improve the aquatic ecosystem environment and enrich the environmental reservoir species.
The soil composition and temperature variations in the distribution area determine the adaptability of plants. In addition to the global distribution, the distribution area types of plant families and genera in the study area are mainly temperate and then tropical in nature, reflecting the early historical association of the flora with the tropics. The analysis of the distribution areas of plant genera and species in the Sifeng Shan Reservoir reflects the temperate nature of the plants in the Sifeng Shan Reservoir. The plant community could be divided into six community types. The III and IV plant community types are relatively homogeneous, and their ability to repair damage and resist external disturbance is weak. The coordination between plants will subsequently increase their resistance to the external environment and their ability to recover.

5 Conclusions

The Sifeng Mountain Reservoir has a total of 175 species of plants in 137 genera from 56 families, of which 169 species in 133 genera from 54 families are angiosperms, including 143 species of dicotyledons in 112 genera of 48 families and 26 species of monocotyledons in 21 genera of 6 families. There are also 6 species of gymnosperms in 4 genera of 2 families. The dominant families are Compositae and Rosaceae, and the dominant genus is Artemisia L. There are six types of life types, mainly perennial herbaceous plants, with 86 species of plants, reflecting the diversity of plants in the reservoir. Among the ecotypes, mesophytic plants account for the largest proportion, with 118 species, while hygrophytes have 56 species, and aquatic plants have only one species. Among the range types of plants, there are six range types and three variants among the plant families, with the largest number of families belonging to the pantropical distribution and the intermittent distribution of the northern and southern temperate zones. In addition to the cosmopolitan distribution (30 species in eight families); there are 12 range types and five variants of plant genera, with the temperate distribution and its variants (types 8-11) including the largest number, with 87 genera in total. The flora is divided into six types, of which the III and IV flora types are relatively homogeneous.
The reservoir-type landscape is rich in botanical resources, with traditional ornamental plants such as the hairy lily, the jade hairpin and the whole-leaved marjoram being widely admired. The unique environment of the reservoir also provides conditions for most aquatic plants to survive, and its potential for exploitation is great. Wetland vegetation protection and vegetation restoration are being carried out on the reservoir to improve the regional water environment, thereby improving the reservoir and its surrounding ecological environment. Wet plants and aquatic plants play an essential role in wetland ecosystems, and they have excellent value in water ecosystems and landscape values. During the wetland restoration of the Sifeng Mountain Reservoir, the original plants in the scenic area can be retained, and wet plants and aquatic plants that are compatible with the wetland environment can be selected to enrich the plant species in the reservoir and provide assistance for the on-site restoration of the scenic area. Increasing the diversity of plants and the coverage of plants in the scenic area will enhance the economic value. Future research should investigate and analyze the types and habitats of wetland plant resources, and conduct feasibility studies on the protection and development of wetland plant resources with important prospects. Such efforts could include the construction of wetland-type nature reserves, wetland parks, and reservoir-type tourist attractions, effectively protecting the wetland resources and preventing the wetland resources from being destroyed and over-exploited.


We would like to thank the staff of Sifeng Mountain Reservoir for facilitating the plant survey, and thank the teachers of the College of Biology and Agriculture for their guidance in plant identification and the students for their help in plant collection and differentiation. We also thank the support of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees for Provincial Higher Education Institutions in Heilongjiang Province.
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