Rural Tourism and Rural Revitalization

Performance Evaluation of Rural Characteristic Industry Development in Metropolitan Areas based on the TOPSIS Method—Taking the Xi’an Metropolitan Area as an Example

  • FU Xiaomeng ,
  • ZHANG Pei ,
  • ZHANG Mengjiao ,
  • LI Zhijun
  • School of Architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China

FU Xiaomeng, E-mail:

Received date: 2023-02-01

  Accepted date: 2023-04-26

  Online published: 2023-08-02

Supported by

The Major Project of the Ministry of Education of China in 2020(20JZD012)

The New Urbanization Research Fund of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology in 2022(2022SCHZ05)


The coordinated development of urban and rural areas is an important measure for releasing the potential of domestic demand and promoting industrial upgrading. The development of rural industries in metropolitan areas, especially those with rural characteristics, is an important pathway for achieving comprehensive rural revitalization and promoting urban and rural integration in the metropolitan area. Based on the development goal of promoting rural industries in metropolitan areas, this study constructed a performance evaluation index system, including industrial development, industrial integration, rural construction, and farmers’ life, and applied the TOPSIS method to evaluate the development of rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area of Xi’an. The results indicated that the overall development performance of rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area was at a medium level. The developmental performance at the level of “primary industry-secondary industry-tertiary industry” integration was relatively good, with a certain extension of the industrial chain and expansion of industrial functions, and certain economic benefits were created in this process. However, the development of rural characteristic industries has not effectively driven the development of rural society. In terms of space, the development of rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area presents a circular distribution feature that decreases from the core circle to the outer circle. In terms of types, there are significant differences in the development levels between the different types, and the weaknesses of different industries vary. Based on these considerations, the key pathway for the collaborative and typified development of regional characteristic industries is proposed.

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FU Xiaomeng , ZHANG Pei , ZHANG Mengjiao , LI Zhijun . Performance Evaluation of Rural Characteristic Industry Development in Metropolitan Areas based on the TOPSIS Method—Taking the Xi’an Metropolitan Area as an Example[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2023 , 14(5) : 1044 -1052 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2023.05.015

1 Introduction

The rural characteristic industries are an important part of rural industry. They are small, diverse rural industries with distinctive regional characteristics and strong local flavor (Weng, 2019). In 2020, the National Rural Industry Development Plan (2020-2025) issued by China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs proposed the development of rural characteristic industries. The rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area form a regional complex in dustrial system with a high degree of comprehensiveness and complexity, a large range of coverage, and a wide range of fields. This system is centered on multiple cities, taking agriculture as the central axis, extending, infiltrating and expanding from the primary industry to the secondary and tertiary industries, and effectively integrating these three industries. On the one hand, rapid urbanization has promoted the transformation of rural traditional agriculture to rural characteristic industries (Tian et al., 2021; Tian and Zeng, 2021); but on the other hand, the rapid development of cities has set new and higher requirements for the development of traditional agriculture. These two reasons jointly promote the development of rural characteristic industries in metropolitan areas (Yang, 2011).
Domestic and foreign scholars have conducted extensive research on the development of rural industries at the regional level. The United States began to develop rural industries in metropolitan areas earlier than other countries. By comprehensively utilizing the natural resources and human resources around the city, this process fully integrates the functions of agriculture, and develops multi-functional agricultural formats. Germany is the country with the longest history of developing rural industries in metropolitan areas and urban agglomerations in Europe. The most representative development model is the citizen agricultural park, which focuses on its social and ecological functions. Foreign studies on the development of rural industries in metropolitan areas have continuously emphasized the role of promoting urban-rural exchanges and urban-rural integration, as well as the specialization and localization of the industries. With the continuous improvement of the urbanization development level in China, realizing agricultural and rural modernization in the rural areas of metropolitan areas based on maintaining their characteristics is a hot topic of concern for Chinese scholars. Based on these considerations, the academic community has discussed the regional laws of China’s agricultural industrialization development (Sun and Ma, 2017; Cui, 2023), the impact of different levels of special fund support on the development of rural industries (Zhang et al., 2023), and the coordinating relationship between governmental guidance and market mechanism allocation (Pan et al., 2021). Some studies have proposed that resources such as policy guidance (Chen and Wang, 2020), talent guidance (Ma et al., 2022; Yang et al., 2022), and capital investment (Duan et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2021) should be injected into the countryside to promote the transformation of rural industries into advantageous industries (Yang et al., 2020; Wang, 2022).
According to Maslow’s demand hierarchy theory, the basic functions of rural industries are divided into several levels, from the development of primary functions to the design of advanced functions, which can be arranged in a cascade (Fig. 1). As for the rural industry in a metropolitan area, with the expansion of rural functions, the functions of rural industries have changed from food security and ecological security to leisure and entertainment, education, and the inheritance of agricultural civilization (Fan and Zhu, 2011). Therefore, the development goals of rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area in the new era mainly include four main components. Firstly, improve the efficiency of industrial development. Through the urban-rural interaction of the metropolitan area, we will promote the efficient flow of urban and rural labor, capital, land, and other production factors, and form an integrated development pattern between the urban and rural industries and between rural industries. Secondly, enhance the level of industrial integration. The rural characteristic industry of the metropolitan area should break through the boundary between the three industries and form a new comprehensive format of the rural characteristic industry. Thirdly, promote the transformation and development of rural society. The rural characteristic industry should retain the rural nature of the village with the industrialization of characteristic resources so that the village can be sustainably developed in the process of urbanization in the metropolitan area. Fourthly, the modernization of agriculture and rural areas is being promoted simultaneously. The development of rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area must enhance its ability to help with rural modernization and enhance the ability of the rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area to improve common prosperity (Liu and Wang, 2018; Liu, 2022).
Fig. 1 Mapping of Maslow’s demand hierarchy theory and rural industrial functions
In summary, scholars have studied the connotation, characteristics, and development mode of rural characteristic industries in the metropolitan area, which provides a useful reference for this study. At the same time, the existing research has mainly focused on the expansion of its functions and qualitative exploration of its development mode, but there is still an urgent need to carry out dynamic, typified, and quantitative research. For the practical development of rural characteristic industries in metropolitan areas, the contradiction between the new goal orientation and the traditional industrial development also needs to be resolved. Therefore, in the context of urban-rural integration at the regional level, this study introduces the TOPSIS method, which is suitable for the dynamic and quantitative analysis of complex data. Taking the metropolitan area of Xi’an as an example, through a combination of field research and multivariate data, this study first evaluates its development status, then proposes the key path of rural characteristic industry development, and provides a reference for the rural revitalization of the metropolitan area.

2 Research methods and data sources

2.1 TOPSIS analysis method

The TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) method is a commonly used and effective method in multi-objective decision analysis, also known as the distance between good and bad solutions (Zhang et al., 2021). The TOPSIS method, as the main method for constructing the model in this study, has three degrees of fit. Firstly, the measurement method has been recognized by the discipline in terms of its applicability. Many empirical studies have shown that this method has high effectiveness (Chen and Feng, 2020; Zou et al., 2021). Secondly, the measurement method is highly compatible with the research content at the principle level, i.e., the TOPSIS method can take into account the hierarchical nature of the research content. Thirdly, there is compatibility between the calculation principles of the sample data and the measurement model. In other words, the TOPSIS method can effectively solve this problem and has strong operability.

2.1.1 Index standardization

Before the calculations, the indicators should be standardized to eliminate the original dimensional differences between them. The indicator data were standardized using the “MIN-MAX” method (Huang et al., 2019), and the calculation formulas are as follows:
Positive indicator: ${{X}_{ij}}=\frac{{{x}_{ij}}-{{x}_{\text{min}}}}{{{x}_{\text{max}}}-{{x}_{\text{min}}}}$
Negative indicator:$\text{ }\!\!~\!\!\text{ }{{X}_{ij}}=\frac{{{x}_{\text{max}}}-{{x}_{ij}}}{{{x}_{\text{max}}}-{{x}_{\text{min}}}}$
where Xij is the standardized value of the index; xij is the original value of the index; xmax is the maximum value of the indicators; and xmin is the minimum value of the indicators.

2.1.2 TOPSIS method model

1) Build the evaluation model:
$A={{({{X}_{ij}})}_{m\times n}}$
where A is the evaluation matrix, Xij is the standardized value of the index
2) Build a weighting matrix (Deng et al., 2020):
$\text{Z}={{({{Z}_{ij}})}_{m\times n}}$, ${{Z}_{ij}}={{W}_{ij}}\times {{X}_{ij}}$
where Zij represents the decision value of the j-th indicator of the i-th village, and Wij is the index weight.
3) Determine the indicator weights (Zhang et al., 2016):
The steps for determining the weights by the entropy weight method first need to determine the entropy value of each index:
${{e}_{j}}=-k\underset{i=1}{\overset{n}{\mathop \sum }}\,{{P}_{ij}}\text{ln}({{P}_{ij}})$
${{P}_{ij}}=\frac{{{X}_{ij}}}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{{{X}_{ij}}}}\begin{matrix} {} & {} \\ \end{matrix}(i=1,2,\cdots,n;j=1,2,\cdots,m)$
where ej represents the entropy value of the index; Pij represents the proportion of each indicator; $k>0,k=1/\text{ln}(n)$; ${{e}_{j}}\ge 0;$ and ${{X}_{ij}}$ represents the standardized value of each index.
Then, calculate the index weights:
${{W}_{j}}=\frac{{{e}_{j}}}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{m}{{{g}_{ij}}}}\begin{matrix} {} & {} \\ \end{matrix}(i=1,2,\cdots,n;j=1,2,\cdots,m)$
where ${{W}_{j}}~$represents the weight; ${{g}_{j}}$ is the differential coefficient of each index, and $0\le {{g}_{j}}\le 1$.
4) Calculate the distance from each indicator vector to the positive and negative ideal values:
$D_{i}^{+}=\sqrt{\underset{j=1}{\overset{n}{\mathop \sum }}\,{{({{Z}_{ij}}-{{X}_{\text{max}}})}^{2}}}$
$\text{ }\!\!~\!\!\text{ }D_{i}^{-}=\sqrt{\underset{j=1}{\overset{n}{\mathop \sum }}\,{{({{Z}_{ij}}-{{X}_{\text{min}}})}^{2}}}$
where $D_{i}^{+},\ D_{i}^{-}$ represents the gap between the evaluation object and the positive and negative ideal values, respectively; ${{X}_{\text{max}}}$ is the maximum value obtained after standardization; and ${{X}_{\text{min}}}$ is the minimum value obtained after standardization.
5) Determine the relative closeness between the evaluation object and the optimal scheme:
${{C}_{i}}=D_{i}^{-}/\left( D_{i}^{+}+D_{i}^{-} \right)$
where Ci is between 0 and 1, and the greater the relative closeness, the closer the evaluation object is to the ideal value.

2.2 Index system construction

Given the development objectives of rural characteristic industries in metropolitan areas in the new era, the expected development benefits should include two aspects: industrial development benefits and rural development benefits. This process involved comparing the relevant policy documents, technical regulations, and previous research results on the rural characteristic industries, according to the objectives of the rural characteristic industries, and referring to the actual situation of the development of rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area. Considering the comparability of data, the availability of information, the simplicity of operation, and other factors, the key performance evaluation index system was developed, including the four levels of industrial development effect, industrial integration effect, rural social development effect, and farmers’ living standards, which yielded a total of 17 indicators (Table 1).
Table 1 Performance evaluation index system and index weights of rural characteristic industries
Expectation performance Target layer Criterion layer Indicator layer
Index Weight Index Weight Indicator layer Weight
Industrial development benefits Industrial development effect 0.4823 Production benefit 0.1206 Extent of agricultural technology popularization 0.0197
Scale of characteristic industries 0.0358
Total output of characteristic industries 0.065
0.3617 Total output value of characteristic industries 0.1206
Comprehensive output value of characteristic industries 0.2412
Industrial integration effect 0.2907 Industrial chain extension 0.1938 Proportion of output value of characteristic industries in regional GDP 0.1292
Ratio of the number of farmers driven by characteristic industrial management organizations 0.0646
Industrial function expansion 0.0969 Characteristic product processing conversion rate 0.0323
Network sales of featured products 0.0646
Rural development benefits Effect of rural social development 0.0905 Infrastructure 0.0452 Perfection of infrastructure 0.0226
road accessibility 0.0226
Public service facilities 0.0452 Perfection of public facilities 0.0226
Internet broadband coverage 0.0226
Farmers’ living standard 0.1365 Increase farmers’ income 0.091 Annual income of the village collective 0.0607
Increment of operating income per household 0.0303
Labor return 0.0455 Proportion of innovation and entrepreneurship personnel returning to the countryside in the total number 0.0114
Proportion of people engaged in characteristic industries in the total employment 0.0341

2.3 Data sources and processing

The data involved in this study includes three parts. First, the boundary of Xi’an Metropolitan Area was defined according to the scope determined in the Development Plan of Xi’an Metropolitan Area. The second is the state of development of the rural characteristic industries in Xi’an Metropolitan Area. The main data came from the statistical yearbooks and statistical bulletins of Shaanxi Province, Xi'an City, and other cities and districts in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area. The third source is the field survey data of the development subjects of rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area, namely, villages and towns, industrial parks, cooperatives, and leading enterprises.

3 Results

3.1 Analysis of the performance evaluation results

The overall development performance of rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area is at a medium level, and the development performance at the level of “primary industry-secondary industry-tertiary industry” integration is relatively good, with a certain amount of industrial chain extension and industrial function expansion, which has created certain economic benefits in the process. However, the development of rural characteristic industries has not promoted the development of rural society very well. Although the overall improvement in the rural economic development level has brought about the development of village construction, such as infrastructure and public service facilities, it has not been able to completely increase the farmers’ economic income nor has it attracted an increase in returning workers (Table 2).
Table 2 Overall scores of rural characteristic industry development in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area
Expectation performance Target layer Criterion layer Score Total score
Industrial development benefits Industrial development effect Production benefit 0.3810 0.7777 0.7124
Economic performance 0.3960
Industrial integration effect Industrial chain extension 0.4090 0.6470
Industrial function expansion 0.2380
Rural development benefits Effect of rural social development Infrastructure 0.2811 0.5257 0.4637
Public service facilities 0.2446
Farmers’ living standard Increase farmers’ income 0.1707 0.4017
Labor return 0.2310
Overall performance level 0.5880

3.2 Spatial differentiation characteristics

Using the interpolation method in ArcGIS to visually analyze the performance evaluation results (Fig. 2), its development performance presents several characteristics in space. 1) The regional differences in industrial development benefits are obvious. On the whole, the villages with high development levels and good effects of rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area are mainly concentrated in the core circle of the Metropolitan Area or the areas close to it. 2) The spatial differences in the rural development performance level are not significant. The effect of rural social development and the living standard of farmers are not significantly different in space, and both have low scores. Only a few villages with obvious advantages, such as Yuanjia Village which is a characteristic tourism village, and Shuangzhao Village which is a characteristic food processing village, can play a positive role in driving these benefits to a certain extent, in order to strengthen the utilization intensity of surrounding resources and achieve the goal of coordinated development. 3) In terms of space, the development of rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area shows a decreasing trend from the core circle to the outer circle. The reason for this distribution is related to the location conditions, economic development level, and market environment conditions, and the root cause lies in the differences in urban-rural integration levels in the metropolitan area. The districts and counties in the core circle of the Xi’an Metropolitan Circle are affected by the technology, talent, market, and other resource advantages of the central city. As a result, they become the advantageous areas for the development of rural characteristic industries, forming several “one village, one product” demonstration villages, and towns and industrial clusters with advantageous characteristics. However, the urban-rural integration in the peripheral areas is still in a slow transition stage, especially in the southern Qinling Mountains, where many villages are just emerging from poverty. The traditional agricultural development mode restricts industrial specialization, scale, and agglomeration.
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of the performance evaluation scores of rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area

3.3 Type differences

Through the performance evaluation of different types of rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area (Fig. 3), several characteristics can be seen. 1) The development levels of different types are significantly different. Among the rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area, the development performance level of the characteristic tourism industry is the highest, followed by the special breeding industry and the characteristic planting industry, while the development performance levels of the characteristic food processing industry and characteristic handicraft industry are significantly lower than the other types. 2) The weaknesses of various industries are different. Within the characteristic planting industry, the performance level of rural social development and farmers’ life is significantly lower than those of the other systems, which indicates that the characteristic planting industry should not only focus on the current “planting-sales” single development mode in future development, but the rural characteristic industry cluster development mode should be actively explored to assist in the overall development of the countryside. The level of each system in the characteristic aquaculture industry is relatively balanced, but the performance of farmers’ living standards is slightly low. This is mainly because the aquaculture industry, under the support of national policies and the constraints of the management system, is mainly centralized with a large-scale development mode, which brings about scientific management and the diversification of income types and other characteristics, which drive the development of rural industry and the rural society itself. Most of the characteristic aquaculture industries are driven by leading enterprises, but there are some uncoordinated problems in the distribution of benefits, which also make the income level of farmers low. In recent years, the characteristic tourism industry has been strongly supported by the national and local governments in the transformation and development of the rural areas. At the same time, the rural areas in the metropolitan area have many advantages in developing rural tourism, such as location and market, so their development level is the highest. However, due to the loss of traditional food-making piques and handicrafts and other factors, the characteristic food processing and characteristic handicraft industries have formed a certain industrial scale. At the same time, the insufficient protection of traditional culture also prevents the development of such industries from being well integrated with the second and third industries, leading to serious sustainability problems of industrial development.
Fig. 3 Comparison of the performance levels of different types of rural characteristic industries

4 Development and promotion strategy for rural characteristic industries in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area

4.1 Promote the coordinated development of regional characteristic industries

The level of urban-rural integration development in the metropolitan area significantly impacts the development of rural characteristic industries. The level in the core circle is significantly higher than that in the peripheral circle because of its location advantage and the radiation and driving effect of the central city. These factors make the rural characteristic industries decline from the core circle to the outer circle, and this circle expansion mode is inevitable. Therefore, the rural characteristic industries in the outer circle should rely on their existing resource endowments and basic conditions, integrate their advantages, adjust measures to local conditions, clarify the developmental direction of rural characteristic industries, and actively create a dotted and banded development growth pole of rural characteristic industries. At the same time, at the level of the metropolitan area, it is necessary to integrate the rural characteristic industries into both the industrial system of urban-rural industrial integration and the planning of the metropolitan area, in order to better realize the integration and development of urban-rural industries through urban-rural coordination of the metropolitan area. Through the timely guidance of regional industrial bifurcation, regional homogeneity competition can be avoided, and the diversification and sustainable development of the regional industrial clusters can be promoted (Jiang et al., 2023) (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of spatial mode transformation of rural characteristic industry development in the metropolitan area

4.2 Guide the typical development of rural characteristic industries

For the characteristic planting industry, we should first establish a large-scale industrial cluster based on the development needs of the metropolitan area, transform scattered and unstable industries into fixed development models in the form of industrial parks, and improve its development level through the extension of the vertical “production- processing-sales” industrial chain and the expansion of the horizontal “agricultural-tourism integration” industrial function. For the characteristic aquaculture industry, its comprehensive development level has been relatively high, but it still needs to pay attention to the distribution of benefits under the leadership of the leading enterprises, so that farmers can become rich through industrial development. For the characteristic food processing and handicraft industries, the intangible cultural heritage certification of traditional handicrafts should be carried out first. Through the government’s guidance and training of inheritors and the inheritance system of traditional handicrafts, the industrialization of characteristic food and characteristic handicrafts should be developed, the construction of technical training programs should be implemented, and the development mode of family and workshop production should be provided. For the rural leisure tourism industry, we should pay attention to the matching of tourism service facilities, and establish a comprehensive management mechanism to promote the modernization and intelligent development of rural tourism (Li, 2023).

4.3 Strengthen the institutional guarantee for the development of rural characteristic industries

The business model of rural characteristic industries should be innovated, and a close interest linkage mechanism and a reasonable interest distribution mechanism should be built in order to integrate and develop the urban and rural industries. Farmers, professional cooperatives, leading enterprises, and family farms, and other new business entities should be encouraged to form a benefit-sharing and risk-sharing mechanism, stimulate the innovation and development vitality of different business entities, and share the benefits of production, processing, circulation, and other value-added services. Through order cooperation, stock cooperation, production, marketing linkage and other mechanisms, the urban-rural industrial chain interest linkage can be strengthened and a mutually beneficial and win-win close interest linkage mechanism can be formed.
The main body of the development of new rural characteristic industries should be cultivated, in order to support and guide farmers to carry out “bottom-up” development and establish industrial consortiums, to guide farmers in establishing equity conversion methods such as land contract rights, resource assets, means of production, and homestead use rights, and to encourage the development of agricultural productive services with an emphasis on marketization and operation. These steps will form a community of interests with complementary elements, shared results, and harmonious development with the market and social capital. At the same time, we should implement the guarantee mechanism for industrial development in the later stage. We should establish a statistical, assessment, and evaluation mechanism for the characteristic industries of different industry types and different development stages, and provide timely feedback and adjust the outstanding problems in the rural revitalization work of Xi’an Metropolitan Area in order to help realize rural revitalization.

5 Conclusions

The development of agricultural modernization in the new era requires that rural industry should have a modern industrial system, production system, and management system, and emphasizes that agricultural modernization should drive the development of rural modernization. The development of rural industries at the metropolitan area level should aim to integrate the urban and rural areas in the region, and should also adapt to the changes in the main social contradictions, meet the increasingly diversified and personalized needs of the people, and strengthen the multi-functional integration and characteristic development of the industries. The evaluation of the developmental performance of rural characteristic industries based on the TOPSIS method can effectively and objectively reflect the gap and key constraints between their current development status and the “optimal plan” under the guidance of new development goals. Through the empirical study of the Xi’an Metropolitan Area, significant differences can be found in the spatial distribution and types of rural characteristic industries at the level of the Metropolitan Area, and although the development of rural characteristic industries has brought certain economic benefits, it has not significantly improved of rural development level and farmers’ living standards. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate rural characteristic industries into the territorial space planning of the metropolitan area at the regional level in order to promote the coordinated and typed development of the industries. At the same time, it is also necessary to innovate the benefit distribution mechanism in the development of rural characteristic industries, so that the effect of industrial development can truly benefit the farmers.
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