Soil and Agriculture-Forest Ecosystem

Study on Seed Bank Composition and Seedling Emergence Regularity in Placer Iron Ore Soil

  • HOU Yurong , 1 ,
  • KE Mei 1 ,
  • WEI Peng , 1, * ,
  • LAN Jiyong 1 ,
  • LI Chao 1 ,
  • KANG Shuai 1 ,
  • KAYRAT Aldeyarhan 2 ,
  • WANG Lu 1
  • 1. Institute of Grassland Science, Xinjiang Academy of Animal Husbandry, Urumqi 830000, China
  • 2. Altay Prefecture Bureau of Ecology and Environment (Environmental Monitoring Station), Altay, Xinjiang 836500, China
* WEI Peng, E-mail:

HOU Yurong, E-mail:

Received date: 2021-03-15

  Accepted date: 2021-08-02

  Online published: 2022-03-09

Supported by

The Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(2020D01A38)


The mining of placer iron ore greatly influences the surrounding desert grassland. In Agdala Town, Qinghe County, Xinjiang, the soil seed bank is severely damaged, and the utilization and productivity of desert grasslands are almost zero, which seriously affects the safety of the ecological environment and the development of local animal husbandry. It is very important to supplement soil seed banks to enhance the species composition of desert grasslands after ecological restoration. In this study, the effects of the seed bank, species composition, and seed burial depth on the seedling emergence rate at placer iron ore site before and after artificial seed bank replenishment were compared using the germination tray method. The original soil seed bank in the study area contained only four species, which were all annual plants. The dominant species were Salsola ruthenica and Corispermum orientale, and the soil seed bank density was very small. The emergence regularity of the soil seed bank was closely related to water content, and the emergence of annual vegetation was explosive. Seed burial depth affected the emergence rate of perennial grass, and we determined that a burial depth of 0-5 cm was the most effective for emergence. This indicates that seedling emergence of artificially supplemented soil seed bank can be completed within 7 days if the sowing depth is appropriate; sowing depths greater than 5 cm affect seed germination. These findings provide a basis for selecting species to populate large areas.

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HOU Yurong , KE Mei , WEI Peng , LAN Jiyong , LI Chao , KANG Shuai , KAYRAT Aldeyarhan , WANG Lu . Study on Seed Bank Composition and Seedling Emergence Regularity in Placer Iron Ore Soil[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2022 , 13(2) : 312 -318 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2022.02.013

1 Introduction

In Agdala town, Xinjiang, the main disturbance mode of ecological function destruction in the study area is the mining of placer iron ore. The technology of placer iron ore mining is relatively simple: after open-pit mining, the remaining waste sand is piled up in the open, around the mining region, to form a dumping ground, while the excavated areas form pits of various sizes and depths, significantly changing the former topography and landform. This has great impacts on the grazing, utilization, and planting of the surrounding desert grassland, as well as it severely damages the soil seed bank due to topsoil stripping before mining. What was once a desert meadow now became a bare land with little utilization potential or productivity. Therefore, placer iron ore mining has seriously affected the safety of the ecological environment and the development of local animal husbandry.
As a potential plant community in the desert grassland, the soil seed bank is the basis of population survival, reproduction, and diffusion, and is an important part of rebuilding degraded ecosystems (Merritt et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2008; Bao et al., 2010; Thompson, 2010; Ward, 2016; Xie et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2020). Soil seed banks play an important role in the process of vegetation generation, succession, renewal, and restoration (Yu and Yu, 2020) and largely determine the progress and direction of vegetation succession (Zhao et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2020). Soil moisture is a necessary condition for the germination of soil seed banks (Li and Fang, 2008; Huang et al., 2011); therefore, the relationship between soil moisture and soil seed banks has been the focus of many studies (Gardmark et al., 2003; Matus et al., 2005; Yan et al., 2005; Shen et al., 2007; Ma et al., 2015; Lu et al., 2019; Tekle and Bekele, 2020). However, to date, there are no reports on the composition of soil seed banks combined with measures of desert grassland restoration in placer iron ore mines. Further, an understanding of the composition and types of soil seed banks present in placer iron mines is not clear, and there is no theoretical basis for the restoration of desert grasslands in placer mines. At present, ecological conservation and restoration projects on mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, and grasslands were implemented in the Irtysh River Basin. The surrounding iron ore pits, dumping grounds, buildings, machinery, and equipment in Qinghe County have also been the subject of further micro-terrain reconstruction, vegetation restoration, improvement of the ecological environment, and reasonable planning and implementation of alternative industrial developments. Projects that have focused on sowing grass seeds have had no immediate effect on grassland restoration due to the lack of soil seed banks. Therefore, it is important to choose an artificial supply of plant seeds that is suitable for the local soil. In this study, the present situation of the soil seed bank and plant composition were determined in the desert grassland of Agdala town, and the effect of soil seed banks on vegetation restoration was observed before and after the soil seed bank was replenished. The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for vegetation restoration and biodiversity conservation of desert grasslands in alluvial iron mines.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Study area

The study area (Agdala town, Qinghe County, Xinjiang) is located at 46°20°33"N, 90°07°05"E, at elevation of 1130 m. It has a continental north temperate climate with low levels of precipitation, high levels of evaporation, a dry and windy climate with long periods of sunshine, drastic temperature changes, short summers and autumns, and long and cold winters. The area belongs to the Gobi Desert region where mean annual precipitation is only 78 mm; however, there is large variation. The average annual evaporation is 1734.1 mm, with the maximum levels of evaporation occurring in June, and the minimum in December. In winter, snow cover time is long, with stable snow formation from early December to the end of March; snow cover thickness is generally 10-20 cm. The soil, mainly composed of brown calcareous soil and gray-brown desert soil, which easily erodes upon rainfall, has low plant coverage, low accumulation of organic matter, low groundwater level, coarse soil grain texture, thin soil layers, and high content of sand and gravel.
The vegetation composition is monotonous with a sparse distribution. The flora consists of super-xerophytic and xerophytic shrubs, subshrubs, perennial plants, annual plants, and other desert plants. There are more than 20 species of plants present around the placer iron ore mines, including Seriphidium sp., Ceratoides latens, Astragalus mongholicus, Allium mongolicum, Eragrostis pilosa, Elytrigia repens, Corispermum orientale, Salsola ruthenica, Salsola collina, Kochia prostrata, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Atriplex cana, Bassia dasyphylla, Petrosimonia sibirica, Atraphaxis frutescens, and Zygophyllum fabago.
An area of 20 ha did not receive any treatment after the formation of placer iron ore fence protection in September 2019. A preliminary field investigation in May 2020 showed no signs of perennial plant germination and growth. Only the annual plants S. ruthenica and C. orientale were observed to grow, albeit at very low levels of coverage, at the range of 1%-3%.

2.2 Soil sample collection

On May 2020, ten set points were established in the study area using the cross method. The sample plot was an irregular quadrilateral, with six sampling points on the long diagonal line and four sampling points on the short diagonal line. The distance between the sample points was 200 m. In each point, a 1.0 m×0.5 m quadrat was placed, and soil samples were collected from the 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm soil layers. The soil samples were marked, loaded into sealed bags, and brought back to the laboratory of the Institute of Grassland Science for soil seed bank testing.

2.3 Seed sources of supplementary soil seed bank

The test plant seeds were collected around the study area on November 2, 2019 and stored at -20 ℃ after seed cleaning. Before the experiment, the germination rates of the seeds were tested. The results showed that the germination rate was 75% for Seriphidium sp., 45% for C. latens, 70% for K. prostrata, 75% for S. collina, 45% for Astragalus membranaceus, and 90% for E. repens.

2.4 Experimental design

Impurities such as plant stalks, roots, and other substances were removed from the samples. The samples were then crushed and fully blended into the sample soil layers. The seedbeds consisted of round trays with a 20 cm diameter and 4 cm height. Evenly mixed soil, to a thickness of approximately 3 cm, was paved onto pallets, totaling 1.5 kg soil weight per tray (20 pallets were prepared per each of the 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm soil layer, totaling 60 pallets). According to the preliminary experimental results, under the condition of sufficient water, the seeds of annual plants will germinate in large numbers on the second day. In the formal trial, the seeds were sprayed with 250 mL water every day at the seedling stage to maintain sufficient soil moisture. Seed germination was observed and the resulting shoots were counted by classification. On the eighth day, 500 mL of water was sprayed onto the plants before returning to the normal levels of 250 mL. The experiment was terminated seven days after no new seed germination occurred.
After the seedling emergence experiment, soil of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm layers were mixed and placed in a ventilated place to dry naturally to eliminate the effects of nutrient differences in different soil layers on seed germination. The established species, dominant species, and common species in the study area were selected as the replenishment objects of the soil seed bank; their selection was based on the plant survey of the experimental area. The soil seed bank was artificially supplemented with the seeds of six plant species: Seriphidium sp., C. latens, K. prostrata, A. membranaceus, S. collina, and Thinopyrum ponticum, at a ratio of 1:1:1:1:1:1 and a sowing rate of 30.0 kg ha-1 (the sowing rate was converted to 5 g m-2, namely 25 g per 5 m2). After weighing, the seeds were mixed evenly and split into 60 equal parts to establish 20 pots per soil layer treatment. The seeds were sown evenly in each pot and sprayed daily with 400 mL water to maintain adequate levels of soil moisture. Seed germination was observed and classified every day, and the germinated seedlings were removed with tweezers. On the eighth day, 800 mL of water was sprayed onto each pot before restoring the water levels to 400 mL. The experiment was terminated after seven days of no new seed germination being observed. The effects of seed depth on seed germination and plant composition were observed.

2.5 Data processing

Preliminary collation of data was conducted using Excel 2007. Single factor analysis was conducted using DPS 7.05 software (Tang and Zhang, 2013). The results were expressed as means, and data error was represented by the standard error of the mean. Graphs were prepared using Excel 2007.

3 Results

3.1 Species composition and density of original soil seed bank

The soil seed bank test (Table 1) showed that the original soil seed banks comprised annual members of the Chenopodiaceae. The dominant species of the 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm layers were S. ruthenica and C. orientale, A. cana was a common species, and P. sibirica and B. dasyphylla were rare; the seeds of perennial plants were scarce. The total seed bank density of the 0-15 cm soil layer was 58 seeds m-2, indicating very low soil seed bank density.
Table 1 Primitive soil seed bank composition of the top 15 cm soil layer
Soil depth Plant name
Salsola ruthenica Corispermum orientale Atriplex cana Petrosimonia sibirica Bassia dasyphylla
0-5 cm 51 ± 0.48Aa 29 ± 0.41Bb 21 ± 0.41Cc 3 ± 0.41Dd 0 ± 0.00Ee
5-10 cm 55 ± 0.88Aa 25 ± 0.58Bb 7 ± 0.33Cc 3 ± 0.00Dd 1 ± 0.58De
10-15 cm 48 ± 0.58Aa 36 ± 0.33Bb 7 ± 0.33Cc 2 ± 0.67Dd 2 ± 0.58Dd

Note: Lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 5% level and uppercase letters indicate significant difference at 1% level.

The seed densities of the same plant species were not significantly different between the three soil layers; the exception was B. dasyphylla, which showed a significant difference in density between 6-10 cm and 10-15 cm soil layers (P ≤ 0.05). Within the same soil layer, seed densities between different species were highly significantly different (P ≤ 0.01). The dominant species in the three soil layers were S. ruthenica and C. orientale.

3.2 Seedling emergence of original soil seed bank

The emergence regularity of the original soil seed bank is shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. The seeds of P. sibirica and B. dasyphylla sprouted on the same day, with no new seeds germinating later. The results showed that the seedling emergence rates of P. sibirica and B. dasyphylla were very fast and concentrated. From the third day, S. ruthenica, C. orientale, and A. cana began to sprout in small numbers. Between days three and eight, seedlings emerged in all soil layers, though in low numbers. The seedlings in the 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm soil layers accounted for 14.42%, 19.78%, and 23.16% of the total number of seedlings, respectively. On the ninth day of observation, the emergence number of seedling in each soil layer gradually increased. Then, there was an “emergence outbreak”; the emergence rate of seedlings in the 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm soil layers “burst” into between day 10 and 11. The “emergence outbreak” in the 10-15 cm soil layer appeared between day 9 and 10. Thereafter, the seed germination rate of each soil layer decreased sharply. Therefore, the emergence trend showed a single peak curve, and from the 14th day, no new seedling emergence occurred in all soil layers.
Fig. 1 Germination number of seeds in each soil layer
The above results show that seedling emergence times of P. sibirica and B. dasyphylla were fast and concentrated. Under the standard water content conditions, the seeds of S. ruthenica, C. orientale, and A. cana sprouted slowly and their seed vitality was preserved. Under the conditions of sufficient water content, they exhibited “explosive” sprouting, and the concentrated emergence period lasted two days.

3.3 Species composition of artificially supplemented soil seed bank

The six plant species that were artificially supplemented into the soil seed banks all emerged in the sandy iron ore soil, indicating that this soil was still suitable for the growth of plants. The species composition of the artificially replenished soil seed banks is shown in Fig. 2. The number of emerged seedlings was the highest in the 0-5 cm soil layer, followed by that in the 5-10 cm soil layer and by that in the 10-15 cm soil layer. The difference in emergence between the three soil layers was significant (P < 0.01), indicating that seed depth had a great influence on emergence.
Fig. 2 Plant composition of artificially reseeded soil at sowing depths of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm.

Note: Ko: Kochia prostrata; Se: Seriphidium sp.; Ce: Ceratoides latens; E: Elytrigia repens; Sa: Salsola collina; As: Astragalus membranaceus.

In the 0-5 cm soil layer, the number of emerged E. repens and Seriphidium sp. seedlings were the highest, reaching 285 and 283, respectively, followed by that of K. prostrata and S. collina at 178 and 166, respectively. The number of emerged seedlings of C. latens was 119, and the least number of emergences was observed for A. membranaceus. In the 5-10 cm soil layer, the largest number of emerged seedlings was observed for S. collina, K. prostrata, C. latens, and A. membranaceus. The number of emerged seedlings decreased in the order of S. collina > E. repens > K. prostrata = C. latens > Seriphidium sp. > A. membranaceus. In the 10-15 cm soil layer, the overall number of seedlings was very low; the highest number of emergences was found in E. repens at nine seedlings. There were eight emerged seedlings each for S. collina, C. latens, and A. membranaceus. The lowest number of emerged seedlings was recorded for Seriphidium sp. and K. prostrata, at four and five seedlings, respectively.
Seriphidium sp., K. prostrata, C. latens, E. repens, and S. collina all have small seeds. In contrast, A. membranaceus has medium-sized seeds. The total number of emerged seedlings for A. membranaceus in the 0-5 cm soil layer was 1.95-fold that in the 5-10 cm soil layer, and 23.73-fold that of the 10-15 cm soil layer; thus, these seeds are suitable for sowing in shallow soil. After doubling the quantity of spraying water on the eighth day, there was no “outbreak period” in the seedling number. This indicates that the daily water spraying in the early stages (400 mL) could facilitate the emergence of these six types of seedlings.
Seed germination of each plant species in the 0-15cm soil layer is shown in Fig. 3. There was no significant difference between K. prostrata, Seriphidium sp., E. repens, and S. collina, while the germination number of C. latens and S. collina was significantly different from that of other plant species (P ≤ 0.01). The germination number of E. repens was the highest and that of A. membranaceus was the lowest.
Fig. 3 Total seedling emergence of the 0-15 cm soil layer

Note: Plant names are defined in Fig. 2.

3.4 Seedling emergence regularity of artificially supplemented soil seed bank

The emergence law of the artificially supplemented soil seed banks is shown in Fig. 4. Seedling emergence number was closely related to sowing depth. Of the six plant species artificially supplemented at 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm sowing depths, only S. collina, A. membranaceus, and E. repens sprouted at a depth of 10-15 cm. K. prostrata and S. collina were the first to emerge on the first day. On the second day, C. latens and E. repens began to emerge in large numbers. On the third day, Seriphidium sp. and A. membranaceus began to emerge. The emergence numbers of Seriphidium sp. were greater than those of A. membranaceus.
Fig. 4 Emergence frequency of artificially replenished soil seed bank at sowing depths of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10- 15 cm.
By the ninth day, the only new emergences in all sowing depths were those of A. membranaceus seeds. There were significant differences in total seedling emergence between 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm sowing depths and among the same species (P ≤ 0.01). At the 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm sowing depths, seedling emergence peaked between one and four days after sowing, and then gradually decreased. In the 0-5 cm sowing depth, the total number of seedlings did not increase after seven days. In the 5-10 cm sowing depth, the total number of seedlings no longer increased after eight days. In the 10-15 cm sowing depth, there was no seedling emergence for five days and it increased on the sixth day, but the number of emerged seedlings decreased rapidly at day nine; the total number of emerged seedlings did not increase after 10 days. These results indicate that total emergence can be completed within seven days if the sowing depth is appriate, and sowing depths greater than 5 cm affect seed germination.

4 Discussion

The species composition and structure of soil seed banks not only records the past but also reflects the future of vegetation communities (Zhao and Li, 2003; Xue and Lu, 2017; Li et al., 2019). Therefore, research on soil seed banks can be a prerequisite for ecological restoration (Feng et al., 2007). This research was based on the arid desert sandy iron ore area of Qinghe County, Xinjiang. It is a barren land, the climate of this area is extremely arid and windy, and mining has significantly damaged the original vegetation and soil seed bank. This study showed that the original soil seed bank was entirely composed of annual Chenopodiaceae, and the dominant species at the 0-5 cm, 5-10, and 10-15 cm soil layers were S. ruthenica and C. orientale. The most common species included A. cana, and the occasionally observed species were P. sibirica and B. dasyphylla. There were no perennial plants in the original seed banks. Zhang et al. (2017) reported that the composition of soil seed banks in copper-nickel mining areas was also dominated by annual herbaceous plants, followed by instances of perennial herbaceous plants, with the least representation from shrub species. Mo et al. (2016) found a high similarity between the soil seed bank and surface vegetation in the Xigou coal mine wasteland, with 77 species of surface vegetation belonging to 22 families and 58 genera. The dominant families were Rosaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae. The results from the present study showed that the density of seed banks in the sandy iron ore soil was very low, at only 21 plants m-2 and 19 plants m-2 in the 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm soil layers, respectively, which was much lower than that of other ecosystems. The soil seed bank density of Artemisia in desert grasslands ranges from 409 plants m-2 to 138.5 plants m-2 (Tian et al., 2020), and most studies show that seeds are most concentrated in the soil seed bank layers of 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm depth; thus, in studies, only soil depths of 0-10 cm are usually sampled (Tan et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2020). In the present study, the emergence rates of seeds at the 10-15 cm soil layer and the 5-10 cm soil layer were similar. Yang et al. (2015) have shown that with an increase in soil depth, the number of seed banks to show a decreasing trend, which is different to the findings of this study. Our analysis showed that the vertical distribution of the soil seed bank was intact even after the mining of iron ore, but the species composition and population had considerably changed. The experimental results revealed that under sufficient water conditions, “explosive” annual vegetation emergence ensued, corroborating the findings that annual herbaceous seeds in soil seed banks could respond positively to different rainfall intensities (Yu et al., 2020).
Compared with previous research results, it is not difficult to conclude that sand-iron mining in the study area inflicted great damage to the structure, composition, and vertical distribution of the soil seed bank. However, there is little research on the artificial supplementation of soil seed banks, especially for desert ecosystems.

5 Conclusions

Seed burial depth affected the emergence rate of perennial grass and seedling emergence of artificially supplemented soil seed bank can be completed within 7 days if the sowing depth is appropriate; sowing depths greater than 5 cm affect seed germination. These findings provide a basis for selecting species to populate large areas. The conclusions of the present study provide a useful reference for iron ore repair. There is an urgent need to restore sandy iron ore areas. Soil seed bank supplementation is the most direct and effective recovery measure to improve the structure and composition of damaged seed banks. The results of this study can form a theoretical basis for informed vegetation restoration and biodiversity conservation in degraded habitats.

We thank Lin Hongkai for choosing the location of the research area and providing useful suggestions. This work was partially funded by the Key Technologies of Ecological Restoration of Degraded Grasslands as a Part of the “Study on the Key Technologies of Ecological Protection and Restoration of the Community of Lakes and Grasses in the Mountains, Rivers, Forests, and Fields of the Drainage Area” and Effects of Different Ecological Restoration Modes on Soil Nutrients and Microorganisms in Junggar Desert.

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