Human Activities and Ecological Security

Analysis of the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Land Intensive Use and Land Ecological Security in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019

  • LI Xuemei , * ,
  • LIU Qian ,
  • HAN Jie ,
  • YUAN Ping ,
  • LI Yamin
  • School of Economics and Management, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
*LI Xuemei, E-mail:

Received date: 2020-10-20

  Accepted date: 2021-03-04

  Online published: 2021-07-30

Supported by

Tianjin Art and Science Planning Project(D16007)


The problem of land ecological security directly threatens the sustainable development of many regions, and exploring the spatio-temporal characteristics of land ecological security is helpful for analyzing the land ecological patterns between regions and over time. Based on the interpretation of remote sensing image data for Tianjin in 1980, 2000, 2010 and 2019, supported by software such as ArcGIS and GeoDa, the changes of land use in the study area are calculated by using the land use dynamic degree. Then, the land ecological security index and spatial autocorrelation analysis methods are used to study the spatial correlations and internal heterogeneity of land ecological security in each district in Tianjin. The results show that: (1) The land use of Tianjin has changed dramatically in the past 40 years: the building land has been expanding, while the farmland and barren have been shrinking continuously. (2) The overall level of land ecological security is in the high security area, and Jizhou District is the highest, while the Central areas and Binhai are low. (3) The spatial heterogeneity of land ecological security is not obvious, but the spatial agglomeration is strong.

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LI Xuemei , LIU Qian , HAN Jie , YUAN Ping , LI Yamin . Analysis of the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Land Intensive Use and Land Ecological Security in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2021 , 12(3) : 367 -375 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2021.03.006

1 Introduction

Human economic activities have become increasingly frequent since the beginning of the reform and opening up of China in 1978. As an important resource for human survival and development, the land is under serious threat. Problems such as the disorderly expansion of building and the deterioration of the ecological environment have become increasingly serious (Zhou et al., 2018). The sustainable development of human society is affected directly by land ecological security conditions (Hou, 2018). In June 2020, a plan for protecting and restoring major national ecosystems was issued jointly by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, which proposed to build and optimize the national ecological security barrier system and to deploy the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region as a key governance area. In this context, it is of great importance to explore the impact of land use changes on land ecological security, which can provide an important reference for further realizing the balance of land ecosystems, accelerating the construction of the land space ecological security pattern, and alleviating the conflict between ecological protection and land development (Gao, 2018).
Discussing and evaluating land ecological security has become a hot topic in the sustainable utilization of land resources (Shen, 2018). The existing studies in this area are mainly carried out on the regional scale and using regional scale-oriented research methods: Regional scale level, including arid areas, river basins, economic belt, urban agglomeration (Peng, 2018) and other large-scale scopes, as well as provincial, municipal (Wang et al., 2015), township (Yu et al., 2017) and other local areas. It can be concluded that land ecological security has obvious spatial heterogeneity and agglomeration characteristics, and the land protection strategy should be implemented according to local conditions. Most research methods were based on theoretical models for studying the evaluation system of the index system, including pressure-state-response (PSR) model, the ecological footprint model (Chen, 2017), landscape ecological model (Xu et al., 2015), combined with principal component analysis (Zhang et al., 2017), multivariate linear regression (Zhang et al., 2016), geological statistics analysis and the spatial autocorrelation analysis method (Zhou et al., 2016). The results have provided a solid theoretical basis for studying land ecological security which mainly focuses on the current situation and the static assessment of the past. However, there is a lack of methods for the dynamic evaluation of land ecological security from the perspectives of space and time. Due to insufficient consideration of the status of land ecological security in the actual use of land on a regional scale, the differences that exist in geographical space cannot be revealed.
Tianjin is one of the major national strategic cities in the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, in which the change of the land use mode brought by urban expansion is obvious, thus causing a large number of ecological security problems and serious conflicts between the protection of ecological land and the growth of construction land. In this study, four phases of land use data were obtained based on the remote sensing images of Tianjin in 1980, 2000, 2010 and 2019. The changes of land use over the past 40 years were analyzed and the ecological security level was demarcated. The results show the dynamic change characteristics in quantity, quality and spatial pattern of land ecological security of Tianjin district from 1980 to 2019, and provide a reference for the dynamic balance of land ecological security in the study area.

2 The study area

Tianjin is located in the northern part of the North China Plain, from longitudes 116°43°E to 118°04°E and latitudes 38°34°N to 40°15°N, and bounded by Bohai Sea to the east and Yanshan Mountain to the north. Across the Haihe River, the Chinese railway traffic artery and ocean shipping port between Beijing and the northeast are located in Tianjin. The terrain is mainly plain and depressions, with low hills in the north, and the altitude gradually drops from north to south. In this study, 11 districts, including Jizhou District, Baodi District, Wuqing District and Central areas etc. were taken as research objects, with a total area of 1164577.36 ha.

3 The data source and the research methods

3.1 The data source

Landsat TM remote sensing images of Tianjin in 1980, 2000, 2010 and 2019 were used to obtain the land use change data by combining supervised classification, visual interpretation and field investigation (Fig. 1). According to the national standard of Land Use Status Classification (GB/T21010- 2017) and the characteristics of land use in the research area, the research area was divided into seven types: grass land, farmland, building, forest, water area, barren and salt pan.
Fig. 1 Land use and its changes in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019

3.2 The research methods

Land use dynamic degree refers to the rate of change in different regions during the study period. Some researchers have used dynamic land use degree to calculate the change speed and range of different regions (Xu et al., 2019; Yue and Xue, 2020). Others have evaluated the quantitative changes of ecological space types in China from 1990 to 2015 with the rate of change referring to land use dynamic degree (Pontius et al, 2017; Yin et al., 2020). Spatial autocorrelation is used to determine whether there is a significant correlation between the value of a given attribute for each spatial position in the research area and its neighboring position (Cai and Luo, 2015). Global autocorrelation mainly analyzes the comprehensive level of the correlation of a given attribute in adjacent locations, and usually determines whether it is significant by using the global Moran's I index value and P value. Therefore, the single land use dynamic degree index was used in this study to represent the rate of change of land use in the study area for each period. The land ecological security index was calculated and the spatial pattern of land ecological security was analyzed using the method of global autocorrelation. This study provides a reference for improving the overall level of land ecological security in Tianjin and balancing the ecological security among different regions.
In order to explore the influence of land use area changes on the regional ecological environment, the Ecological Security Index (ESI) of all districts in Tianjin in 1980, 2000, 2010 and 2019 were calculated based on the actual situations and referring to relevant literature (Xie et al., 2019). The calculation formula is as follows:
where ESI denotes the land ecological security index, n is the number of land use types, Ai is the area of the ith land use type, A is the total area of the study area, and Wi is the ecological risk intensity coefficient of the ith land use type. Referring to the literature on land use and ecological risk in the past 10 years (Table 1), this study used literature research analysis and the expert scoring method to determine the ecological risk weights of land use and calculated the average values for different land use types in combination with the actual situation of Tianjin. Finally, the ecological risk intensity coefficients of different land use types were determined as grass land is 0.0726, farmland is 0.1797, building is 0.4903, forest is 0.0464, water is 0.0664, barren is 0.1648, and salt pan is 0.0925.
Table 1 Ecological risk intensity coefficients of different land use types
Grass land Farmland Building Forest Water Barren Salt pan Data sources
0.0493 0.1425 0.6137 0.0258 0.0552 0.1135 0.0000 Xiao and Tian, 2014
0.1290 0.1691 0.3112 0.0708 0.0961 0.2238 0.0000 Wang et al., 2018
0.1600 0.3200 0.8500 0.1200 0.5300 0.8200 0.0000 Bai et al., 2019
0.0004 0.0276 0.0109 0.0059 0.0481 0.0025 0.0000 He et al., 2019
0.1500 0.9500 0.7200 0.1200 0.1600 0.0000 0.0000 Zhao et al., 2013
0.1600 0.3200 0.8500 0.1200 0.5300 0.8200 0.0000 Xu et al., 2016
0.0726 0.1916 0.3934 0.0427 0.1425 0.1572 0.0000 Hu et al., 2017
0.1600 0.3200 0.7200 0.1200 0.5300 0.8200 0.0000 Yang et al., 2010
0.0000 0.2156 0.3141 0.1518 0.1983 0.0000 0.0000 An et al., 2010
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0952 Mo et al., 2017
0.0726 0.1797 0.4903 0.0464 0.0664 0.1648 0.0952 This study

4 Results and analysis

4.1 General characteristics of land use change

The change of land use in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019 was obvious (Table 2), and farmland, building and water were the main land use types. From 1980 to 2019, the farmland area declined steadily, but the proportion was always above 45%. Building tended to expand during each period, with a total increase of 174124.06 ha in the 40 years. The water area showed little change, maintaining over 11% in the past 40 years, although it has decreased recently from 163056.45 ha in 2010 to 137980.16 ha in 2019. From 2010 to 2019, grass land and forest increased significantly, with net increases of 8202.73 ha and 20160.07 ha, respectively. The areas of salt pans and barren showed decreasing trends, with decreases of 0.65% and 1.07% from 1980 to 2019, respectively.
Table 2 Land use areas and proportions in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019
Land use
1980 2000 2010 2019
Area (ha) Proportion (%) Area (ha) Proportion (%) Area (ha) Proportion (%) Area (ha) Proportion (%)
Grass land 13830.87 1.19 13328.76 1.14 13095.85 1.12 22033.59 1.89
Farmland 730818.61 62.75 676615.04 58.10 612309.14 52.58 566705.41 48.66
Building 158861.08 13.64 207869.66 17.85 276577.89 23.75 332985.14 28.59
Forest 42236.13 3.63 43419.37 3.73 43419.37 3.73 62396.20 5.36
Water 155709.61 13.37 164014.71 14.08 163056.45 14.00 137980.16 11.85
Barren 20526.58 1.76 17244.86 1.48 15033.68 1.29 8040.64 0.69
Salt pan 42574.56 3.66 42084.97 3.61 41084.97 3.53 35084.97 3.01

4.2 Regional characteristics of land use change

According to the regional characteristics of the land use change in Tianjin, there were obvious regional differences in land use type changes in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019 (Table 3). The building in all regions showed a significant increasing trend, with Xiqing District having the largest dynamic degree of 6.40%, followed by Dongli District, Jinnan District and Beichen District. The growth rate of Binhai in the past 40 years was prominent, and its dynamic degree rate was 4.38%. From 1980 to 2019, the areas of cultivated land in all regions decreased to varying degrees, and the dynamic degrees in all regions were negative.
Table 3 Dynamic degree of land use in each district of Tianjin from 1980 to 2019 (Unit: %)
District Grass land Farmland Building Forest Water Barren Salt pan
Jizhou 1.43 -0.67 1.10 1.24 0.05 0.00 0.00
Baodi -1.43 -0.34 0.85 2.68 1.33 -0.29 0.00
Wuqing -0.75 -0.44 1.13 3.83 1.78 7.23 0.00
Ninghe -0.89 -0.15 2.84 -1.60 -0.62 8.07 0.00
Beichen -1.84 -0.88 5.04 -1.82 -0.48 36.41 0.00
Xiqing 11.43 -1.17 6.40 0.76 -0.92 0.00 0.00
Dongli 2.93 -1.62 5.47 2.54 -0.26 0.00 0.00
Jinnan 11.56 -1.34 5.13 0.66 0.34 0.00 0.00
Central areas 0.00 -2.56 0.54 -0.30 4.23 0.00 0.00
Jinghai 0.39 -0.43 4.34 5.50 0.25 2.29 0.00
Binhai 1.42 -0.74 4.38 -1.67 -0.86 -1.87 -0.45
During the study period, the overall forest and grassland showed increasing trends. Forest was mainly distributed in the northern Jizhou mountainous area. From 1980 to 2019, Jinghai District, Wuqing District and Baodi District had the most obvious growth rates, and their dynamic degrees were 5.50%, 3.83%, and 2.68%, respectively. Compared with the growth rates of forest, the dynamic degrees of grassland in Jinnan District and Xiqing District were 11.56% and 11.43%, respectively, over the 40 years. The change of water area was small, and the barren land in the Binhai decreased significantly, which was 1.87%. The salt pans were mainly concentrated in the Binhai, but their decrease was 0.45% from 1980 to 2019.

4.3 Temporal and spatial evolution of land use ecological security

Land ecological security refers to a stable supply state and good guarantee ability of all land resources in an area for realizing its sustainable development, so as to meet the dynamic needs of current and future generations (Li and Nan, 2015). Using the formula of the Ecological Security Index (Eq.1) and the land use type areas of Tianjin in the four periods, the comprehensive index values of ecological security in 1980, 2000, 2010 and 2019 were calculated. Based on the GeoDa1.6 platform, the spatial autocorrelation method was introduced to analyze the spatial pattern rule of the ecological security index in the study area. According to the development characteristics of each district and county in Tianjin, some beneficial suggestions are then put forward to improve the regional land ecological security.
4.3.1 Land use ecological security analysis
The comprehensive evaluation value of land ecological security is between 0 and 1. The higher the level of land ecological security, its value approaches 1, while the lower the level of land ecological security, its value approaches 0. However, there is no unified standard for the classification of land ecological security. According to the characteristics of the research objects in previous studies (Yang et al., 2010; Lin et al., 2011), the current research results have been divided into five grades: insecurity [0-0.30], low security (0.30-0.45], relatively security (0.45-0.60], security (0.60- 0.70] and ideal security (0.70-1]. In this study, based on the actual characteristics of the region (Yu et al., 2016), the research area was subdivided into five grades: insecurity [0.50-0.56), low security [0.56-0.62), medium security [0.62-0.68), high security [0.68-0.74) and ideal security [0.74-0.80] by the method of equal spacing based on the previous research results. Finally, the spatio-temporal distribution of land ecological security in the study area was obtained.
In general, over the past 40 years, the comprehensive index of land ecological security in Tianjin has fluctuated and declined (Table 4). However, the land ecological security index always remained between 0.68 and 0.72, so the range was only 0.04. The average level of the land ecological security index was at the high security level. From the perspective of individual districts (Fig. 2), although the land ecological security index has decreased slightly in the past 40 years, Jizhou District has always been an area of the ideal security level, and Ninghe District has always been an area of the high security level; while Baodi District, Wuqing District, Jinghai District switched from being at a ideal level of security to a high level of security; and the security levels of Beichen District, Xiqing District, Dongli District and Jinnan District all showed a downward trend. In 2010, Xiqing District and Dongli District reached the low security level. The Central areas in the city were always at the insecurity level, which increased gradually. Binhai was gradually reduced from medium level to low level. These trends indicated that the four districts around the city were affected by rapid urbanization, and the expansion of building led to the increase of the disturbance degree of farmland and other natural landscapes, and the decline of the ecological security degree. The Central areas were strongly disturbed by human activities and the ecological environment was fragile. Since Binhai was incorporated into the national strategy in 2006, it has been continuously developed and under construction, and the degree of land ecological security has been gradually reduced.
Fig. 2 Grade of land ecological safety in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019
Table 4 Land use ecological security indexes of individual districts in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019
Year Jizhou Baodi Wuqing Ninghe Beichen Xiqing Dongli Jinnan Central areas Jinghai Binhai Tianjin
1980 0.77 0.75 0.76 0.72 0.72 0.66 0.70 0.71 0.51 0.75 0.67 0.72
2000 0.78 0.74 0.72 0.72 0.69 0.64 0.67 0.66 0.53 0.73 0.65 0.71
2010 0.76 0.73 0.70 0.71 0.64 0.59 0.61 0.62 0.58 0.72 0.64 0.69
2019 0.77 0.71 0.70 0.71 0.63 0.62 0.59 0.60 0.68 0.73 0.61 0.68
4.3.2 Spatial heterogeneity analysis of land use ecological security
The results of the land ecological security index of each district and county of Tianjin in four periods were imported into the GeoDa1.6 software, and the Univariate Moran's I function (Huang et al., 2019) provided by the software was used to calculate the scatter plot of the global spatial autocorrelation Moran's I index representing the land ecological security index of each district (Table 5, Fig. 3). As can be seen in Table 5, the Moran's I index of the four phases in Tianjin all passed the P-value test and presented a positive correlation state. It showed that the land use pattern of the study area has changed dramatically with the economic development in the past 40 years, and the land ecological security index of the study area has also changed correspondently. But it always showed a positive spatial correlation, indicating that the economic development and land use change of the study area were relatively balanced.
Fig. 3 Scatter plot of land ecological security index values in Tianjin from 1980 to 2019
Table 5 Moran's I values of land ecological security index in each district of Tianjin from 1980 to 2019
Year 1980 2000 2010 2019
Moran's I value 0.083* 0.281** 0.453*** 0.213*
P value 0.086 0.013 0.001 0.061

Note: *, ** and *** are respectively 10%, 5% and 1% statistically significant.

As can be seen from the Moran's I scatter plot, the H-H (“high and high” spatial correlation area) regions in 1980 were respectively Jizhou District, Baodi District, Wuqing District and Ninghe District. After 2010, Ninghe District gradually shifted and fell into H-L (“high and low” spatial association area) in 2019. Dongli District, Xiqing District and Binhai were always in the L-L (“Low to Low” spatial association area) from 1980 to 2019. Beichen District and Jinnan District gradually fell from H-L (“high and low” spatial association area) to L-L (“low and low” spatial association area), while Jinghai District always fell into H-L (“high and low” spatial association area). From 1980 to 2010, the Central areas were L-L (“low and low” spatial association area), and in 2019, they fell into H-L (“high and low” spatial association area). These trends indicated that the land use change in Tianjin has been obvious since 1980, but the spatial distribution of land ecological security was relatively concentrated, and the development of each region was relatively balanced. 1) As the only semi-mountainous area in Tianjin, Jizhou District is rich in forest and grass resources and has a high degree of ecological security. 2) Wuqing District is close to the economic radiation of the capital, Beijing, and has its own rapid economic growth. Ninghe District, Baodi District and Jinghai District are mainly agricultural, and their land ecological security is relatively stable. 3) The rapid growth of the population in the Central areas has led to the deterioration of the living environment and the increasing cost of living, which has also led people to gradually move outward. The suburbanization of the population has promoted the rapid expansion of urban construction land and industrial land in the four districts around the city. However, as in the central area of Tianjin, under the influence of the policy, land ecological security attention and environmental protection efforts are strong. 4) As Binhai has been incorporated into the national development strategy and kept pace with the Central areas, the trend of land utilization, development and utilization has been reasonable, and the awareness of land ecological security has been strengthened.
It can be seen that although the natural environment and economic policy conditions are different in each region, the land development intensity and land use pattern in each region tend to be balanced, and the spatial heterogeneity of regional land ecological security is not obvious. Therefore, we should make overall arrangements for regional space construction, integrate land resources, give play to our own advantages, construct a unified land planning land classification system (Li and Liu, 2020), improve ecological security, and promote the sustainable use of land resources in Tianjin.

5 Conclusions and recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

Based on land use data and the ecological security index, this paper analyzes the spatio-temporal characteristics of land use area changes and land ecological security evolution at the district level in Tianjin in the past 40 years. The main conclusions are as follows.
(1) The land use types of different districts in Tianjin changed significantly from 1980 to 2019. The area of building continues to expand from the downtown to the surrounding areas, among which, the total increase of Binhai is 42645.02 ha. The farmland showed a downward trend, with a total decrease of 164113.20 ha. Forest is centrally distributed in Jizhou District, with a net increase of 18976.83 ha in 2019 compared with 2010. The changes of grass land and forest are similar, with a net increase of 8937.74 ha in 2019 compared with 2010. During the research period, the barren area decreased gradually, from 20526.58 ha in 1980 to 8040.64 ha in 2019. The water area increased slightly from 1980 to 2010, and decreased continuously after 2010. In 2019, the water area decreased by 25076.29 ha compared with 2010. Almost all of the salt pans are distributed in Binhai, with a net decrease of 7489.58 ha over the 40 years. This shows that the integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the national strategy of Binhai have played a strong driving role in the economic development of Tianjin. Under the influence of urbanization, Xiqing, Beichen and Wuqing districts have witnessed substantial increases in building, while the areas of farmland and barren have been continuously reduced.
(2) In the past 40 years, the index of land ecological security in Tianjin has been declining, but the comprehensive level of land ecological security remains high, and the spatial heterogeneity of land ecological security in different districts is not obvious. Jizhou District has always been in a ideal level of security, while Baodi District, Wuqing District, Ninghe District and Jinghai District were gradually reduced from ideal level to high level; and the security levels of Beichen District, Xiqing District, Dongli District and Jinnan District are gradually decreasing. Xiqing District has rapid economic development and a relatively low land ecological security level. From 1980 to 2000, the Central areas in the city were always at a level ofinsecurity, which was relieved in later years. With the continuous development and construction of Binhai, the level of land ecological security has been declining. But on the whole, the land ecological security index shows spatial autocorrelation, and the spatial heterogeneity of land ecological security is not obvious. Based on this analysis of the current situation of regional land use ecological security, we should continue to coordinate the development of the land use mode and ecological security in each district, and promote sustainable land use in Tianjin.

5.2 Recommendations

The problem of land ecological security is systematic and complex. In the past 40 years, the overall level of the land ecosystem in Tianjin has remained in the high security zone, but the overall trend shows some decline. The spatial agglomeration of the land ecological security in each district is strong, but the spatial heterogeneity is not obvious. To this end, several suggestions are put forward.
(1) We will make rational use of the existing building areas and adjust the land use structure. In the past 40 years, the construction land with the central area and the Binhai New Area as the core expanded rapidly, which aggravated the conflict of building between human and land, separated the economy and ecology, and led to the gradual decline of the land ecological security level. Therefore, we should base planning decisions on the superior geographical location of Tianjin, which is close to the capital and the coastal area with lots of water, and adopt the planning according to local conditions. On the one hand, we should strictly observe the ecological protection red line and the basic farmland protection line in Tianjin, maintain a certain amount of arable land, and coordinate the problem of farmland protection and building expansion. On the other hand, focusing on the comprehensive improvement of the existing building space in urban and village areas, we will make full use of the existing land and improve the efficiency of the land by transforming old facilities and promoting the centralized improvement of abandoned, idle and inefficient construction land, so as to promote the economical and intensive use of land in all regions.
(2) We should actively explore the ideas of land ecological protection in cooperation among the different regions and construct the pattern of regional ecological security. The study indicates that the land ecological security protection level, scale and layout are variable, and paying attention to hierarchical protection will be conducive to determining the minimum demand and optimal pattern of ecological land protection at different levels. At the same time, the initiative of governments and departments at all levels should be fully mobilized to quantitatively evaluate the quality of the regional land ecological environment, promote the characteristic development of each district, strengthen the rational flow of the population, technology and natural resources between regions, and achieve the breakthrough between urban expansion and land ecological security.
(3) We will continue to narrow regional disparities and promote overall planning among regions. Within the collaborative development strategy of the Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei region, Tianjin regions should be able to exert their own advantages, focus on regional coordination, adopt the path of regional development as a whole (including differential land for different types of regional construction land renovation, ecological land use regulations), increase the degree of contact between the regions, and solve the unbalanced regional development in the process of urbanization phenomenon. These steps will allow for a new type of urbanization and urban construction land resource security, and promote the land ecological security.


This study was also financed by Innovation Foundation for Graduate Students of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics in 2020 (Research on the Effect of Agricultural Social Service on Farmers’ Adoption of Green Production Technology from the Perspective of Land Fragmentation).
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