The significance of biodiversity conservation has transformed from a concern for conservation of endangered species and landscapes into an increasingly diverse yet comprehensive set of conservation, social and economic development goals. Community conservancy, a powerful extension of the PA system, has great potential to support biodiversity conservation, poverty eradication and conflict mitigation. Based on its policy environment and development characteristics, Kenya has implemented community conservation practices, and established over 160 conservancies across the country in the past decades. This paper reviews the development and experiences of community conservancies, discusses how they have been implemented in Kenya, and looks at the management paradigm, efficacy and challenges to help better understand the community conservancy approach. The development trajectory and lessons these conservancies have to offer can contribute to the sustainable utilization of natural resources and the enhancement of community wellbeing in Kenya and other countries alike.
WU Liang, ZHANG Linxiu, WANG Min, KANGA Erustus, DU Cong
. The Development of Wildlife Community Conservancies in Kenya: A Preliminary Review[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2018
, 9(3)
: 250
DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2018.03.004
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