Current inner-city1 depopulation coupled with significant peripheral expansions disrupting nature, are the rule in many of the world’s large cities such as Montreal. Expansion needs to be balanced from the inner-city attraction perspective. To deal with that objective and following an inductive process in the scientific method, two field surveys were implemented in one of Montreal’s inner-city most popular neighbourhoods (Sainte-Marie) for measuring its current attraction power. Results expose that current local residential housing/services improvement in terms of their medium to high needs/impedances2 linear correlations to achieve it discourage people to continue living in Sainte-Marie on a “free will” basis. This report concludes that limiting city expansion at least through this inner-city neighbourhood’s attraction level is still very much a myth.
Carlos Alberto Tello
. A View on the Limiting City Expansion: Inner-City Attraction Issues through Linear Correlation[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2017
, 8(6)
: 628
DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2017.06.009
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