
Enhancing Households’ Economic Benefits through Wetlands Friendly Investment Model: A Case of Ndembera River Valley, Tanzania

  • 1. Institute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, P. O. Box 35097, Tanzania;
    2. Institute of Development Studies, Mzumbe University, Mzumbe, P. O. Box 83, Tanzania

Received date: 2017-07-06

  Revised date: 2017-09-18

  Online published: 2017-11-30

Supported by

Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS) and Mzumbe University of Tanzania


The Wetlands Friendly Investments model has been used to conserve wetland resources and improve rural livelihoods in Tanzania since 2003. Nevertheless, studies’ linking this model to households’ economy is lacking. This paper attempts to examine the households’ economic benefits from the implementation of the activities which are part of the model. A total of 174 intervention households in Ndembera Valley were surveyed using questionnaire. The interviews and transect walk complemented households data. Template, descriptive statistics, t tests and regressions in SPSS ver.20 software were used in the analysis. Results show the difference of annual gross income because of the wetland investment model is about USD 732.0. This study demonstrates that wetland resources could be conserved and utilized using local incentive models. Similar techniques could be applied for related studies elsewhere. Socio-economic factors should be considered for holistic impact of the model on household poverty reduction.

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Norbert John Ngowi, Agnes Godfrey Mwakaje . Enhancing Households’ Economic Benefits through Wetlands Friendly Investment Model: A Case of Ndembera River Valley, Tanzania[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2017 , 8(6) : 605 -612 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2017.06.006


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