Ecotourism in China

Flow Experience Study of Eco-tourists: A Case Study of Hunan Daweishan Mountain Ski Area

  • College of Tourism, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China

Received date: 2017-04-22

  Online published: 2017-09-27

Supported by

Humanities and Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province (16JD48)


Mountain skiing has become a popular winter ecotourism activity in China. Studying the loyalty of eco-tourists from the perspective of tourist experience is important to the continued development of mountain ski tourism. Based on the flow experience theory, we developed and tested a structural equation model to examine relationships among flow experience, positive emotions and the loyalty of eco-tourists. Survey data from 324 eco-tourists with skiing experience at Daweishan Mountain Ski Resort was used for exploratory factor, confirmatory factor and path analyses. Results revealed five dimensions of flow experiences of eco-tourists: Concentration on task at hand, Loss of self-consciousness, Transformation of time, Autotelic experience, and Challenge-skill balance. As hypothesized, influences of Transformation of time, Autotelic experience and Challenge-skill balance on positive emotions were significant and positive. Concentration on task at hand, Autotelic experience, Challenge-skill balance and positive emotions positively influenced the loyalty of eco-tourists. Suggestions for developing ecotourism products are discussed such as designing a conductive environment to activate flow experience, providing personalized service to promote positive emotion, and developing experiential tourism activities.

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ZHENG Qunming, TANG Rong, MO Ting, DUAN Nijing, LIU Jia . Flow Experience Study of Eco-tourists: A Case Study of Hunan Daweishan Mountain Ski Area[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2017 , 8(5) : 494 -501 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2017.05.007


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