Silk Road

The Past, Present and Future of the Great Steppe in the Context of Current Geopolitical Realities

  • 1 Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude 670047, Russia;
    2 Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow 107078, Russia

Received date: 2014-09-15

  Revised date: 2015-02-11

  Online published: 2015-03-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (4141101065; 15-56-53037).

Cite this article

Arnold K. TULOKHONOV . The Past, Present and Future of the Great Steppe in the Context of Current Geopolitical Realities[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2015 , 6(2) : 123 -124 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2015.02.011

