
The Ecological Password in the Hani Ethnic Inhabited Area in the Benna River Basin in Yunnan

  • Honghe University, Mengzi 661100, Yunnan Province, China

Online published: 2013-03-26


In China, the Hani ethnic groups are one of the unique ethnic minorities inhabited in Yuunan Province, mainly scattered in the wide areas in between the south of the Honghe River and the east of the Lancang River. Honghe Hani and Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture is the main Hani-inhabited area, mainly concerned a few counties like Honghe, Yuanyang, Luchun and Jinping. However the mountainous area of Benna River area in the territory of the Honghe Prefecture is really the main place where the Hani ethnic groups are inhabited.

Cite this article

GUO Jinyong . The Ecological Password in the Hani Ethnic Inhabited Area in the Benna River Basin in Yunnan[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2013 , 4(1) : 93 -96 . DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2013.01.013

