Northeast Asia is a key area for Earth system studies, global change frontier science research and regional sustainable development research. It has a complex ecological environment, a variety of climatic zones and typical human-Earth relationships. This paper outlines a data resources integration system fulfilling the data accumulation and management requirements of the Northeast Asia Resources and Environment Scientific Expedition. The data resources integration system has three subsystems: (i) data resources collection and management standards and specifications system, (ii) data classification system and (iii) a data management and publication software platform. The data resources collection and management standard and specification system has 23 specifications, divided into three types. They are: (i) data collection and processing specification type, (ii) data analysis and archiving specification and (iii) data management and sharing specification. The data resources classification system has four classes, 25 sub classes and 128 data elements. The data management and publication software platform has five function models: (i) data catalogue search model, (ii) metadata management model, (iii) data publication and virtualization model, (iv) data view model and (v) data download model. Based on the designed data integration system a prototype system has been developed and is supported by computer and Web GIS technologies. So far 144 datasets have been integrated into this data system. As more data are accumulated and integrated, it will play an important role in future scientific expedition data application and analysis.
WANG Juanle, ZHU Lijun, YANG Yi, ZHANG Ling
. Design, Development and Application of Northeast Asia Resources and Environment Scientific Expedition Data Platform[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2011
, 2(3)
: 266
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-764x.2011.03.010