Ecosystem management is an ecological approach to the sustainable development of the nature rubber industry.Hainan is selected as an example to present a basic model of natural rubber industry ecosystem management.Based on the systematic analysis of structure and function of natural rubber industry ecosystem, we discuss the basic principles, management steps and management approaches of natural rubber industry ecosystem management.The goal of this paper is to provide the theoretical basis and practical guidance for healthy and sustainable development of the natural rubber industry ecosystem.
ZHOU Yujie, JIANG Jusheng, PENG Zongbo, WANG Qunhui, XIONG Daiqun
. Ecosystem Management in the Natural Rubber Industry[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2012
, 3(3)
: 230
DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2012.03.005
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