
An erratum statement for the paper "Value and Heterogeneity: Using a Choice Experiment to Evaluate the Coastal Recreational Environment " in Vol.12, Issue1

Due to the author’s negligence, a picture used in the article "Value and Heterogeneity: Using a Choice Experiment to Evaluate the Coastal Recreational Environment " published in the "Journal of Resources and Ecology" (in 2021 Vol.12 No.1) did not cite the original author's paper. Dr Wei Jianhua hereby apologize to Mark D. Needham, Ph.D. and make the following corrections:

1.Add a note below Figure 2: the “beach crowding” image was created by Dr. Mark Needham (Oregon State University) and is used with his permissionNeedham, 2013.

2.Add this reference: Needham, M. D. (2013). Encounters, norms, and crowding at six coastal and marine areas in Hawaii. Tourism in Marine Environments, 9(1-2): 19-34.

发布日期: 2021-02-04    浏览: 633